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 This chapter is dedicated to Ish0102 💕❤️Much love B💕💓

Inayat's POV

She explained everything to us and in no time, we understood all that had happened.

Allahu Akbar! (Allah is the greatest). I praised and Sabeerah and Aa'yat joined in too.

So you are my sister in law now I guess. She repeated again. I pretended not to hear her the first time because I honestly thought she was referring to some other dude I probably have never met before.

Allah knows I love Junaid and I plan on completing half of my deen with him by my side. I just really hope it is vice versa though. Plus with all that has passed, I don't really picture my one big family portrait again😪.

I feel like as time passes, he forgets my face "even though he hardly looks at me" , my existence and all. Who am I kidding, I am the only one in love, it is so obvious the way he doesn't even look my way.

Sister in law??? I blushed.

So tell us, would you really give Inayat to Junaid??? Sabeerah queried cheerfully. I must admit, I was sort of shy with what she said. This my bestie does really know how to be staright forward.
But deep down, I was waiting for her reply, I was waiting for what her answer would be.

Oh ya Allah, I always channelled my heart and feeling towards you and you alone, I even suppressed my feelings as much as I wanted to shout it out to him that I am so into him and wants to be by his side always.

Why not, Allah knows I would love that. I really like inny, she has always been sweet to me and has always cared for me like a sister in law would. She smiled out.

Sister in law again??? Oh stop it sis I really am blushing stupidly within. My subconscious shyed.

Awww, thank you Aa'yat. I smiled back.

No, call me mother in law. She joked.

Mother in law it is. I smiled back.

Enough of it ladies, how sure are we that Junaid even likes my bestie? Sabeerah brought up.

So true, that just made my heart ache. What if he doesn't even love me?? What if he has someone else in his heart. Ouch, that would be so heartbreaking for me to hear.

Aa'yat kept silent for a while and I decided to break the silence, my heart already aching. I smiled brightly.

You shouldn't ask that now Eerah. I started. Love is a gradual process and feelings take time to develop.
What do I know? I am so naive when it comes to love matters🤦.

Moreover, only two hearts that Allah has  designed to love each other for his sake would beat for one another.
If Junaid is really bound to be mine then I really don't have to stress it. He would surely be mine.

Did I just pour that all out??? Subhanallah, when did I turn a motivational speaker??? This shows I really am pained.

Sabeerah and Aa'yat didn't say anything, they just kept on looking at me from different perspectives that only Allah knows.

Besides, I didn't love him at once and you know. I turned to Sabeerah and she nodded.  I started loving him since our days as freshers. So you see..... I flung my hands in the air.

Aa'yat started chuckling silently all of a sudden and that was when it occurred to me. Subhanallah, I just spilled the beans!

Sabeerah isn't a stranger to all this, but Aa'yat, she is. She isn't just hearing this but is also a sister to the guy involved.

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