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     Aa'yat's POV

Spending those days with my mum was the very best thing that has happend to me so far. I needed to go back to school as soon as possible ahead of exams. Junaid on the other hand, has not being giving me a break either.

He always made mention of studies, courses, assignments blah blah blah whenever he called to check up on me.

Someone would think he is in love with me with the way he consistently kept checking on me.
I pray he does someday though.

Today, I left back for school. My grandma made Gulisuwa for me as a take back for my friends, especially my bunkie Husseinah who kept asking for it. My rommates also contacted and checked up on me constantly while I was at home.

It is a saturday, and only a class was held before I arrived back. That was the only class for today actually.

My girls were all happy to see me as we exchanged cheers and shouts and all other girlie screams before I finally settled.
It feels so good to be back after a short break.

The next class isnt till monday, and I cant wait to see what it holds in store for me.
I pray it delivers the best to me In sha Allah. Ameeen😍.


The class looked very scanty this morning and of course I was not surprised. It was a week to exams and all students must be preparing one way or the other to finally round up the semester.

I went to the classes with Inayat and only one of the classes have held so far.
Sabeerah wasnt willing to come because she felt they werent going to hold.
What a psychic😪.

Even Junaid and Mansur havent been in classes all day. What a day!!

The last for the day also seemed like it wasnt going to hold so Inayat excused herself and said to come back to the hostel whenever I felt like it.

I waited many minutes later but nothing changed. Instead, the voices of students chatting and playing around felt disturbing and I had no choice but to take my leave.

I still havent heard a thing about Habiba and I am so worried sick about her Allah knows.
Should I file a missing report?
It has been weeks now, and she hasnt been picking my calls either.

I dailed her number as I walked out of the class, and Alhamdulilah for me, she picked on what seemed to be the last ring.

Hey! Where have you been??? -Me.

Relax mum, is that your I have missed you??? -Habiba.

Jokes apart sis, you have crossed your limits. Where have you been? I have been calling you since like forever. I was worried sick. I tried locating Abdulsamad's residence but all to no avail. Habiba, I just even though of filing a missing report. I sort of cried out.

Awwww.... Someone has missed her besty. She teased.

Well, I am so sorry Aa'yat, you guessed right, I have been with Abdulsamad ever since. I had things to do.... She started but I interrupted.

Things??? What things sis??? You missed some tests and a lot of attendance. I helped you in some part of the attendances, but still it wasnt encouraging as I didnt get even a phone call from you. I wanted calling your parents but I dont have their contacts. I shouted out.
If you dont stop this instance, then this your boyfriend really is going to be the end of you!!! I added as I panted calmly.

She kept silent for a while before finally saying; I am so sorry Aa'yat, I understand how you feel, but dont worry it is all fine now. I am back to the hostel, I checked your room but you werent around.

Of course I wouldnt be around, I went for classes unlike someone. I rolled my eyes.
Welcome back anyways, wait till I get to you, prepare you self in defense because you have a lot of questions to answer! I added as she chuckled before saying the words
Okay ma.

I rushed into my hostel prayed dhur and did someother things needed before I shortly took a nap.


Aa'yat, I heard Junaid call out as I got to the front of Ribadu hostel.

Something seemed to be different about the way he walked towards me.

What is wrong? Why werent you in class? I queried as he just kept staring at me arms length from each other.

I was busy. He casually answered.

Guess what?? I told him as he asked what it was in repsonse.

Apparently, I was adopted. I blurted as I explained everything that happened at home to him.

He just listened to me as I explained everything in details to him.

So let me get this straight, You arent their biological daughter and all, and just because all this happened, Your Dad hits Your Mum???? He shockingly asked.

Yes, he maltreats her to the core. I specified.

Quite alright, he does most of his Islamic rights and duties to her, but he just physically abuses her and that alone, spoils it all.

What tribe are you? He asked.

Hausa right? He added.

Yes, My Dad is Hausa while my mum is yoruba. From what I heard, they were so in love before the ordeal happened. I made clear.

Waw, Hausa and yoruba. I must say, I really love the combo. I have always wanted to marry a yoruba woman but you know, this is Nigeria. It happens though, but tribalism is real. Except families with Islamic concept of marriage and fights against tribalism.

That is why you should marry me and not Inayat. I am hausa and we are alike so it is much easier with me than with her. I eyed

But no, you like her instead right??? I sighed.

My prayer is that you both dont end up like my parents. I blurted and to my surprise, he laughed in return.

In sha Allah we wont. He answered with a smile.

I am not saying an Ameen to that. I hastened in my steps.

Oh, I see. He answered back with a smile as we kept walking.

I sent some group links to you via whatsapp, endaevour to join them okay. They are groups for striving muslimahs who teaches a lot of things pertaining Islam. He added as I nodded and muttered a yes in response.

He halted just as we got to the opposite of Pepsi Garden and said; This is the last time I would walk you to your hostel Aa'yat.

Why??? I asked surprisingly.
Beacause I said your love for Inayat dosen't stand a chance??? I added but he shook his head in response.

No, Because I love you Aa'yat. He blurted sadly.


Yes, I love you, not only for Allah's sake, but as a woman and also as someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. I have grown to love you the way you always wanted, so this is it.

I cant see you anymore. I dont want to be a means of distraction and dont want it growing any bigger.

I cant marry you now, I dont want to get married now, so it is of no use seeing you again. It would just keep reminding me and hurting me that you arent mine yet.
I hope Allah gives us the best.

He said all out as he walked away immediately.

By Allah, I was dumbfounded. I didnt expect any of this to happen. Did he just say all that? Is this a break up or something??? I thought as it let my legs lead the way to my hostel.


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