Chapter 1

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Julie rushed over to the front door, expecting to see Flynn ready to walk with her to school.

"Oh Nick, Hi!" She said, a little startled to see him at her house.  He passed her the flowers in his hand and smiled.  " Thank you." She replied a little confused.

"Well I wanted to congratulate you on such a spectacular job last night Julie. You know I really thought the hologram wasn't going to pull through."

"Yeah, I was a little bit worried to, must have been the bad wifi again."

"Yeah, must have been..." He said trailing off.  "Anyways, good job on you performance last night, I'll see you at school."

"Ok, bye!" She shouted after him, but he had already started to make his way back down her driveway.  She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion that was kinda weird, she thought.  But dismissing the thought she turned to go back inside and wait for Flynn.


Julie shoved her history textbook in her locker. 

"Do I have a surprise for you!" Julie turned her head a little too fast and hit her head on her locker door.

"Oww, Flynn don't scare me like that!" She rubbed her head.

"I'm sorry Jules, but I booked you a gig!"

"What?  Really?  Where?"

"Well since the boys seem to be staying for the moment, I thought they should have another shot at playing at a school dance.  So tomorrow night you are playing the winter dance." Flynn said excitedly.

"Isn't that kinda formal though?" Julie questioned.

"Well yah, but just tell the boys to wear nice clothes, and you're all good." Flynn replied.

"That's gonna be tough, but I can play the "you bailed on me last time" card, and I'm pretty sure they won't be able to say no." Flynn laughed at that.  The bell rang breaking up the girls conversation.  As Julie turned to go to her next class she ran right into Nick.

"Oh my god,  I'm so sorry!" She apologized.

"No, it's my bad.  But I am glad I ran into you, there's something I've been meaning to ask you." He said.

"Yeah sure, go ahead."

"Would you be my date to the dance tomorrow night?" Julies eyebrows shot up with shock.  Hadn't they already been over this.

"Well I'm going to be pretty busy with the band and all, so I'm not sure I'll really have the time to hang out with you." She tried to be as nice as possible.

"Well, will you at least save me a dance?" He replied.

"Yeah, I think I can do that."  She said, still kind of shocked that he would ask again after she said no to a date.  "If that's it I'm gonna head to chemistry."

"See you later!" Julie walked away, not knowing the scheme that Caleb was already forming in his head.


Thanks for reading the first chapter!  I have an idea of where I am going with this story, but the first chapter is just kind of the intro, so the next chapters will be a little bit better hopefully.

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