Chapter 9

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Reggie sat on the coach with his foot tapping on the floor.  His eyes followed Luke as he paced back and forth in the studio.

"Where is Alex? He should be back by now." Luke peered out the door in hopes of seeing the blonde.

"I'm sure he will be back soon..." Reggie said. "Luke it's okay." He walked up to Luke and put his hands on his shoulders.  "We are going to get Julie back." He assured.  Luke glanced up at him.

"We can't lose her Reg.  We were just given a second chance to be with her,  I swear if Caleb hurts her..." His voice was laced with a combination of anger and fear.

"From what I have seen Julie is strong enough to fight for herself." Reggie said trying to cover up his own worry. "I'm sure she's fine,  Caleb wouldn't hurt her anyways."

"You're right, the reason he took Julie is probably just to lure us in to his club." Luke and Reggie remained in silence for a second, taking in the fact that Caleb could very well trap the boys again when they tried to save Julie.  "If it comes down to getting us out safely or Julie out, we get Julie out."

Reggie nodded in agreement, just then Alex and Willie poofed into the studio.

"Thank god!  Willie do you have any clue where Julie is?" Luke asked immediately.

"I do, but you're not going to like it..." Willie glanced at Alex before explaining where Julie was.

"Julie is in New York!?" Luke practically yelled.

"Yes... and it's going to be almost impossible to get her out, without Caleb stamping you guys."  Willie shifted back and forth on his feet anxiously.

"We still have to try though, Julie doesn't deserve this."  Alex said.  "We have to get her out of there no matter what."

"Agreed." The others replied.

"So what's the plan?" Reggie asked.  The boys all glanced at one another, looking for someone with an idea.

"Willie, is there anyway we can get in there unnoticed?" Alex asked turning to him.

"Caleb has people all around the club, and I'm betting they are all going to be looking for you guys.  But if we are able to stay hidden long enough to find Julie, without being spotted then we might have a chance of escaping.  Frankly it's a long shot."

"Is that the only way?" Luke asked desperately.

"Unless you want to face Calebs magic head on, then yes probably." Willie replied.

"Once we find Julie, how are we supposed to get her out unseen?"  Alex inquired.

"Yah, we can't just poof her out." Reggie added.

"Well... there actually might be a way to do that." Willie replied.

"We can take Julie with us when we poof?"

"Not one of us.  But I have heard that it's possible to transport lifers, when multiple ghosts do it together." Willie added.

"So this whole plan is based on guessing, and hope?"  Alex asked.

"We don't really have another option at this point." Luke replied.  They all sat in silence, each one considering the poorly made plan.

"Well, okay then, for Julie." Alex suddenly spoke.

"For Julie." Luke nodded.

"This seems stupid, even by my standards." Reggie glanced at the others before joining in. "For Julie."

"Willie you don't have to come." Alex said, not wanting to put Willie in danger.

"Oh you bet I'm coming hotdog.  For Julie." Willie smiled.  "In order to get to the place you guys are going to have to poof with me, because I have already been there." Willie held out a hand to Alex.

Alex grabbed Willies hand, then Luke's.  Reggie grabbed Willies other hand, and together they poofed away, in hopes of rescuing Julie.


Oh things are about to get intense...  hahaha anyways thanks for reading.

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