Chapter 6

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"Hello! Is there anyone here?!" Luke yelled desperately.


"Anyone! Please..." He couldn't lose Julie, he needed her.  "What are we going to do?  We have no idea where Caleb took her." He looked over at Alex and Reggie.

"I can go talk to Willie and see if he knows anything." Alex suggested.

"Yeah okay." Luke said seeming defeated.  "We should come with you."

"I wish you could, but all of us would draw a lot of unwanted attention to Willie, he is still lying low."  After the Orpheum, Caleb found out about Willies part in the boys plan.  This forced Willie to avoid him and stay away from the ghost club.

"Okay, we will go back to Julies and wait for you." Reggie spoke up.  Alex poofed away first, followed by the other two.


"Luke, you really need to stop pacing." Reggie said. Luke continued to pace ignoring Reggie.

"I hate feeling useless, there has to be something we can do." Luke then realized that Flynn was probably worried sick about Julie.  "Reggie! Flynn is probably worried sick about Julie and her dad is going to flip out when he finds out she's missing.

"I could go tell Flynn what's happening." Reggie suggested.

"Yeah and get her to be Julies excuse for not being home, and I will tell Carlos that Julie is sleeping over at Flynn's.  Hopefully that will buy us some time..."
As Reggie poofed out of the studio, Luke poofed into the house.  After Carlos figured out about the band, Julie had no choice but to tell him the whole story.  Most of the time he would leave them alone, unless it was to yell at Reggie about using his laptop.

Luke made his way up the stairs into Carlos's room.  The door was wide open, and Carlos was playing games on his laptop.  Luke walked over to his desk and picked up a pen.  He started tapping it on the desk to get his attention.

"Who is it? Better not be Reggie trying to get my laptop again." Carlos complained.  Luke grabbed a scarp piece of paper, and began writing.

No, it's Luke.  Julie told me to tell you that she's staying at Flynn's tonight, if you could let your dad know that would be great.

"Why didn't she just text dad?"

Phone died

"Makes sense,  I'll let him know." Luke made his way out of Carlos's room and as he was about the poof back to the studio, he saw Julies room.  He knew Julie would be mad at him for going in there but he couldn't help himself.

As he walked in he was hit with a wave of anger.  If Caleb hurt her, he would never forgive himself.  He was about to poof out, when he saw Julie's dream box on the shelf.  He picked it up and began to look through it, reading the poems, and lyrics Julie had written.  He felt him self smile,  he picked up the last piece of paper.  It was an entire song called Perfect Harmony.

At the top of the page she had written a date, that was the day she had been at dance class with Nick.  Luke read through the song, and it was amazing, but he felt a pang of jealousy at the thought that Julie wrote it about Nick.  He began to fold it back up, when he saw there were words written on the back.

Why does life have to be so complicated, Nick is a great guy and I was dancing with him.  Yet the whole time I imagined singing and dancing with Luke...

"No way..." Luke said completely in shock.  Julie wrote it about me, he thought.  A sad smile began to take over his face.  When they found Julie, Luke was going to tell her how he felt.  Luke stood up and tucked the song into his pocket, he poofed back to the studio, more determined than ever to find Julie.


I swear when they make season 2, Luke needs to find out about Perfect Harmony.  Anyways, thanks for reading.

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