Chapter 13

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"Who- who are you?" Julie repeated, looking around frightened.  The boys had wide eyes, and were not sure if this was some sort of sick joke, or if she was being serious.

"Julie, it's us, your band. You know us."  Reggie said but his voice broke at the end.

"I'm sorry but I don't have a band.  I have no clue who you guys are.  Why does my head hurt so much." She touched her fingers to her head.

"Reggie go get Flynn."  Alex said, but before he could poof out Alex whispered "But go outside before you poof, Julie is already scared as it is, and she doesn't need the whole ghost thing on top of it." Reggie nodded before heading out of the garage to go get her.

"How do you know Flynn?  If this is some sort of joke she's trying to play on me, it's really not funny."  Luke's heart broke as he saw the seriousness in her expression, they had just got her back, he couldn't loose her again.  He reached his hand toward her to help her stand up.  She flinched at his hand coming towards her and shifted back away from him. He pulled his hand back as she stood up on her own.

He looked down at his feet and he shifted back and forth. "Julie what is the last thing you remember?" Willie asked curiously.  Julie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, she opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Um, I'm not really sure,  maybe being in music class with Flynn.  You guys really need to leave, I don't know what happened here, but tomorrow is my last chance to get into the music program, so I need a good sleep."  She said trying to reassure herself.

"Oh no..." Alex said sadly.  "Julie that happened almost a month ago."

"What?  What do you mean?" She replied even more confused than before.

"Julie, something happened to you, and we think you lost your memory." Luke looked up at her, wishing he could hug and comfort her.

"We will explain everything once Flynn gets here."  Alex said.  Julie looked down at her dress, and then around at the boys formal wear.

"Why are we dressed up?" Luke just shook his head and looked at the ground.

"Let's just say we had a performance.  Flynn should be here soon, then we will tell you everything." Luke promised, he caught her eyes, but instead of holding eye contact like they usually do she looked away fast, with no sort of emotion.  He sighed, and sat down on the couch waiting for Flynn to arrive.


Sorry kind of a short chapter, but hopefully I will post another tomorrow...

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