Chapter 14

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"Julie! Julie are you ok?!" Flynn burst in the door and wrapped Julie up in a hug.

"Yah, I'm fine.  Why wouldn't I be?  Despite the fact that there are a bunch of strangers in my moms studio." Julie replied.  Flynn raised her eyebrows at the comment, not until this moment had she completely believed the crazy story Reggie had written on a paper for her.  She looked at Julie with pity in her eyes.

"Oh Jules..." Flynn looked down at her hands deciding what to do.  "We have some things to catch you up on."

"Wait, so they aren't lying?  I- My head hurts but how could I lose a month of memories?  I mean I don't even know who these guys are." She gestured at the boys. 

"You may not remember us, but we have been your friends for about a month now." Reggie explained. He looked to the guys, wondering if he should continue.  They nodded to him.  "And we are ghosts!" Reggie blurted out, before slapping his hand over his mouth.

"Reggie!" Alex and Luke yelled.

"You guys nodded!  I thought that meant I should tell her!" He yelled back.


"Yah, but you could have eased into it a bit." Alex replied.

"Guys?" Julie repeated.

"Well it's not exactly going to be less surprising either way!" Reggie yelled back.

"Guys?!" Julie yelled.  They turned to look at her.
"This is some kind of joke isn't it?"

"No Julie it isn't." Luke said before walking over to Flynn.  "You are the only one who can see us, because you are connected to our unfinished business.  Which is basically why we came back as ghosts." He waved his hand in front of Flynn's face to prove his point.

"I'm assuming the guys are explaining it to you right now, so I'm just going to stay quite, but whatever they say is true Jules." Flynn assured.

"Oh my god!  You guys are actually ghosts!" Julie stood up and began to walk towards the door.  "Nope, this is too crazy for me!"

"Julie please just listen to the whole story." Luke pleaded.  It was something in his eyes that made her slowly walk back to the couch to sit down.  "Ok great, let's start from the beginning..." and he began the story of the last month.


"And then you jumped in front of us and got hit by Calebs bolt.  And here we are." Luke finished. He looked up at her, her mouth was wide open in shock. 

"Um, okay. So that is a lot to take in. In the last month I sang for the first time in a year, met ghosts, formed a band with said ghosts, played at the Orpheum, and then lost my memory because I got hit with some ghost magic." Julie said.

"Yep that pretty much sums it up." Alex replied. Julie looked around at the boys.  The one in flannel was the bassist, his name was Reggie.  The tall blond one was Alex, the drummer.  Willie had the long hair, and he was the skater. Then there was Luke the guitarist, who hadn't stop fidgeting since she had woken up.

"So is our band any good?" Julie gave a small smile at the guys.  They all grinned in response.

"The greatest band of all time." Luke smirked at her, then went to open the laptop to show her their video.

"So Julie, are you good?" Flynn asked, concern painted her face.

"Little confused still, and a bit scared, but yah I think I'm ok." She replied. "I might need some more details to be filled in though, because my dad can't know I lost my memory. Right?" She asked.

"Yah, hopefully your memory will come back soon, but from what Reggie told me this had never happened to a lifer before so they don't know if it's permanent or not." Flynn said sadly.  "But Jules we got you, the guys and I will make sure you can get through the day without exposing the entire ghost band to anyone." Flynn laughed.

"Thank you.  And thank you guys." She smiled at the boys.  "I don't remember you, but from what Flynn says you guys were kind to me, and I really appreciate it." The guys gave her sad smiles in return, missing the Julie they had performed with only hours ago.


Hope you enjoyed!

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