Chapter 15

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Julie sat in her bed staring at the wall.  To put it simply, she was very confused.  She was about to go to school, but the night before she had been told a month had past and that she had forgotten it all.  Which wasn't even the craziest part.  She was apparently part of a ghost band.  She sat up from her bed and went to her closet to get dressed.  Today she would have to pretend to remember everything that had happened.

"You got this Julie." She told herself.  "Who am I kidding, this is going to be a disaster." She let out an exasperated sigh, before looking at her appearance in the mirror and trying to smile.  "It'll be fine." She took one last look at herself before heading downstairs.


"So Julie I forgot to ask last night.  But how did the dance go?"  Ray asked.  Julies eyes widened as she looked down at her food.

"Oh it was great, yah." She smiled.

"How did the performance go?"

"Good, it was really fun." She said.  "I gotta get going though." She grabbed her backpack. "Flynn's walking with me to school." She smiled and waved bye to him.  He furrowed his brows in confusion but waved back at her.  Julie walked out to the garage where she was going to meet Flynn.

"How are you feeling Julie?" Someone said from behind her.  She jumped and turned around, it was Luke.

"I am so not used to that!  But yeah I'm fine." She faked a smile as she opened the door to the garage.  Luke followed her in as Reggie and Alex greeted her.

"Anything different from last night?" Alex asked.

"You're asking if I got any memories back, right?" Julie looked up at him.  He nodded.  "No nothing yet.  So you guys said that you have a plan for today, care to explain?"  She sat down on the couch.

"So since you may need help remembering some things that we haven't told you, anytime Flynn isn't able to be with you, we will tag along and help you if you need it." Reggie answered.  Julie nodded.

"Okay sounds good I guess."  She stood up and walked over to the piano.  The guys watched her as she ran a hand along the piano.  "Is it weird that the most surprising thing about this whole situation, isn't the whole ghost thing, but that I was able to play again?" She looked up at them, they looked back with pity in their eyes.

"Julie-" Luke started.

"No, it's okay, I just, I don't feel like I have made any progress since then, I don't feel any different when I come close to the piano.  Shouldn't I feel braver?  You guys said I was happy? How come I still feel anxious just touching it? Sorry, I don't even know you guys and I am dumping all my problems on you."

"Julie you may not remember us but we will always be here for you." Luke began walking towards her, but stopped himself, furrowing his eyebrows and looking down.

"Yeah Julie anything you need." Reggie smiled.  Alex nodded in agreement.

"Hello boys!" Flynn burst in waving in the wrong direction.  "Are you ready for school Julie?" Flynn walked over to her.

"Yeah, I guess, the guys explained the plan to me." Julie replied.

"Ok great, we should probably get going.  Goodbye boys!" Julie grabbed her bag and followed Flynn out, giving the guys a thankful look as she left.

"She is so different,  it's like any confidence she gained since we met her, is just gone." Alex commented sadly.

"She's still Julie guys, if we helped her get into music before, we can do it again." Luke said.


Hope you guys enjoyed!

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