Chapter 3

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"Julie! Chop chop let's go!" Flynn burst into the studio.

"Yah okay I'm coming.  Guys make sure you are on time!" She said as she walked to the door.

"Ooh the guys are here? Hi boys!" Flynn waved.  They all said hi and waved back.

"They say hi." Julie said.  The girls then headed up to Julies room.  "Flynn we really don't need this long to get ready, I could have gone through the set one more time with the guys."

"Oh honey, we definitely need the time.  In fact we are running behind right now, so please go get your dress and trust the process." Flynn smiled and gestured to Julies closet.  Julie rolled her eyes but did as Flynn said.


Julie finished putting the last bobby pin into her half up half down hair style (think edge of great).   She turned around to face Flynn. 

"Flynn you look great!" Flynn was wearing a red dress, with her hair pinned back in a bun.

"I could say the same to you Jules.  Luke is going to die when he sees you."

"Well firstly he's already dead, secondly me and Luke are just friends." Flynn waved her hand, as if dismissing the thought.

Julie was wearing a navy blue dress with stars embroidered around the waist line.
(Looks like this)

Julies dad called up asking if they were ready to leave

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Julies dad called up asking if they were ready to leave.

"Yah we're on our way down!" Julie yelled while putting on her shoes.  Flynn and Julie headed down stairs and were greeted by Ray at the door.

"You girls look very nice,  I wish I could be there to see you perform tonight!" Julie rolled her eyes at that.

"Well considering it's a school gym filled with a bunch of teenagers, I'm not really sure you do want to be there." She replied with a laugh.

"Well we should get going now, I'll just go grab the keys, you girls can go hop in the car." Julie and Flynn nodded and headed outside.  Julie started to turn towards the studio to say bye to the guys when Flynn pulled her towards the car.

"You will see them in like an hour, we have to go if you want time to dance before your performance." Julie nodded in agreement and followed Flynn to the car.


"This shirt is so itchy!" Luke complained.  Reggie had lucked out in already having a white shirt of his own to wear.  Whereas Luke had to borrow one of Alex's.

"Yah, that's why I gave you that one and kept the non itchy one to myself."Alex smirked.  "It's just one night anyways."

"Can you guys hurry up?  I want to be a little bit early." Reggie whined.

"Yah fine." Luke did up the last button on his shirt. "Let's get this over with please."  The guys poofed right onto the stage.

"Let's go find Julie." The boys nodded in agreement.  Although this turned out not to be the simplest task. 

"Wow she's really pulling a disappearing act on us." Reggie said. "Ha, get it, cause we're ghosts and we disappear?" Alex rolled his eyes.

"Oh wait I think I see her over there." Alex gestured to the other side of the gym where Flynn and Julie were dancing with Nick.  Luke didn't even process the fact that she was dancing with Nick though.  She looked stunning, he felt his mouth drop open.

"Wow Julie looks..." Reggie started.

"Beautiful." Luke answered.

"I was going to say pretty, but yeah sure."  The boys started to weave through the crowd, still slightly uncomfortable with walking through people. 

Julie glanced over from her conversation with Flynn and spotted the boys.  She felt her heart jump, because not only did Luke look handsome, he was also wearing the same outfit as he had been when she imagined dancing with him.  Minus the slicked back hair.

"Hey the guys are here, give me one second." Julie told Flynn.  Julie tipped her head to the gym doors, so they could talk outside, without her looking insane.  Meanwhile Nick/Caleb watched the whole interaction and decided that after Julie performed he would make his move.


Ha whoops, kinda did a bit of a cliff hanger there.
Well hope you liked it!

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