Chapter 4- New Friends And The Strings

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Peppy, Poppy, Rose, Branch, Dj Suki, Guy, Tiny, Satin, Chenille, Biggie, Mr Dinkles, Smidge, Legsly and Cooper were on their way to a secret destination to hear about the other trolls when something caught Dj's eye.

"Dudes what's that?" She said as she pointed to something moving near the water.

"Guys whoever that is might be hurt!" Rose exclaimed as she ran towards the object with everyone following close behind.

They all then saw a troll that looked like them but with no nose, flippers for legs, blue skin, neon green hair, rainbow bands on his arms and a pink pixel heart on his chest. His eyes were closed though.

"That's a Techno Troll!" Peppy exclaimed.

"A what troll!?" Branch asked/yelled.

"Shh! Guys he's waking up!" Rose told them. He then opens his eyes to show a neon green colour.

"Are you okay? What happened to you?" Rose asked.

He just stared at her for a moment before asking. "Who are you?"

Rose chuckled nervously. "Right, so sorry, where are my manners? I'm Princess Rosebella but everyone called me Rose. That's my father Ex-King Peppy, My big sister Queen Poppy and my friends Branch, Dj Suki, Satin, Chenille, Biggie, Mr Dinkles, Smidge, Legsly, Cooper, Guy Diamond and his new son Tiny Diamond." She said as she pointed to each respective troll.

" Uh-huh. I'm king Trollex and I don't remember much. I just remember being blast away from my home. " He told them.

Rose sympathised with him." I'm so sorry that happened to you."

The king felt touched by her words. "Thank you."

"My father is about to show us something would you like to join?" She asked him.

"That would be nice." He said.

After ten minutes of walking and talking they got to the secret grotto

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After ten minutes of walking and talking they got to the secret grotto. Peppy then got out a scroll, "It's a story as old as time. In the beginning there was silence."

"Boring!" the scrap book pop troll said.

"Until one day someone made a sound. Our ancestors were so inspired by the sound they took six strings. And those six strings had the power to control all music. They could play anything Techno, Funk, Classical, Country, Hard Rock and Pop. And every kind of music in between. There was something for everyone. It was one big party. But little by little trolls became intolerant of each others music. They fought over what kind of music the strings would play. The elders realised there was but one solution. Each tribe would take a string and go there separate ways. Those six tribes have lived in isolation ever since Techno that's Trollex's tribe, Country, Rock, Classical, Funk and us the Pop Trolls." Peppy narrated.

"Now Barb's announcement makes sense

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"Now Barb's announcement makes sense. She wants to reunite the strings so the troll world can be one big party again!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Wait that's all you heard? One big party?" Branch asked skepticaly.

"Yeah! It's when all the trolls lived in harmony and what's more important than living in harmony?" she said.

"Well I heard fighting. The strings together leads to fighting." he told her .

"Exactly Branch! That's why we need to keep our string safe." Peppy said as the waterfall opened up and showed a lyre with a pink glowing string on it. Everyone, especially Trollex because he hasn't seen any string other than his own, awed at it.

"Behold the pop music string." Peppy said as he plucked it and a glitter heart floated above them.

"It's beautiful." Rose said unaware of the love sick Trollex looking at her, her BFF, DJ, saw this and smirked.

"And powerful. Which is why we can't let it fall into the wrong hands." Peppy said.

"And we won't. Not on my watch." Branch assured, "What we need is a plan." he continued.

"Don't worry I've been preparing for this day for years. We run!" Peppy exclaimed.

"Run!?" his eldest asked.

"And hide!" he added on.

"On it!" Branch declared, who was already in camouflage.

"Is that normal for him?" Trollex asked Rose confused on how he got changed so fast.

"You have no idea." she told him.

"But we don't even know what we're running and hiding from!" Poppy interjected as they started to leave.

"We're hiding from Barb and all the other different trolls. No offence Trollex." Peppy told her and then quickly added on the last part noticing Trollex's unamused expression.

"You're assuming the worst about someone you haven't even met!" Poppy argued.

"You're not listening to me!" he said.

"You're not listening to me!" his daughter exclaimed back.

"I'm your father!" he stated.

"And I'm the queen!" she argued.

"Uh, father trumps Queen." he quickly came up with, "Now there's no time to debate this let's go! Come along Branch!" he called as he was leaving.

Branch sent Poppy an apologetic look and followed her father.

"We're all trolls. Differences don't matter!" Poppy said and glared.

Rose then quickly grabbed DJ and Trollex.

"Guys I think Poppy is about to do something risky and whatever she's doing I'm gonna come along to help. Are you guys in?" she quietly asked the two.

"If you're in then I'm in." Trollex said smiling.

They both started to gaze into each others eyes but the moment was interrupted by DJ who gave them both a side hug.

"Are we going to do what I think we're gonna do?" she asked.

"Yes." Rose replied as she gave a sly smirk.

"Oh Yeah. STAKEOUT!" she cheered a little too loudly.

"Sshh!" the other two ordered her.

"Oops." she smiled sheepishly.

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