Chapter 12- Hickory, Jealousy And A Raft

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After a while Rose, Trollex and DJ managed to find Poppy's group.

"Poppy!" the younger Sister cheered.

"Rose!" Poppy cheered back as they ran and embraced each other.

"Queen Poppy," they heard a voice say from behind, "I don't believe you introduced me."

They turned around to see a country troll.

"Hickory this is, my little Sister, Rose, Rose this is Hickory, he helped us!" Poppy said.

"Nice to meet ya, darlin'." Hickory said as he bowed to Rose which caused her to blush and Trollex to send him a nasty glare.

"Nice to meet you too and, if you don't mind me asking, why are you helping us?" Rose answered.

"I loved Poppy's message about music bringin' trolls together. You two may be Pop and I may be Country but trolls is trolls." Hickory explained.

"'Trolls is trolls', wow, deep." Branch sarcastically said, obviously jealous too.

"This is the beginning of a partnership between trolls that's going to save all trolls!" Poppy said, beaming with excitement.

"Ya darn skippy." Hickory said which caused her to blush and Branch to cross his arms angrily.

"Okay, we need to get to the Funk Trolls next!" Rose stated, full of determination as Poppy pulled out the map.

"Well, the quickest way is down that river. I'll build us a raft." Hickory said as he walked off.

"This outa be good." Trollex scoffed sarcastically.

"Yeah, the guy probably doesn't know the first thing about building a raft." Branch agreed.

But within the space of ten minutes Hickory built a raft, complete with a coffee machine.

"Cappuccino anyone?" he asked.

"Cappuccino, cappucci-yes!" the royal twins exclaimed in sync.

"Yeah, dude, I'm about to pass out from exhaustion!" DJ agreed.

"I do want one, but I am not happy about it!" Branch grumbled as he followed the others.

"I'll pass on the coffee but I need to rest my fins." Trollex sighed as he got on board.

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