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-: sixth year :-


. . .

The trio emerged from behind a statue on the second floor, the dark passageway having lead them out into a third floor corridor - it included a lot of stairs leading upwards, the friends had found. 

It took them a little while to get back up the the Gryffindor common room entrance, having to be extra careful for Mrs Norris, because if she wasn't with Filch than she was on the prowl somewhere - and her owner might be around any time.

The journey back up to the common room didn't take long - just a little extra time spent being cautious as they peered around every corner, and dipped into alcoves hidden by tapestries whenever they heard anything that even resembled other humans.

But unlike their stint in the Restricted Section of the library, Fred, George and Elodie got up to the Fat Lady's portrait without any troubles. "I'll say goodnight here, then." Elodie announced, as they stood by the door, the Fat Lady half asleep, but still listening into their conversation all the same. 

"Stay another night?" Fred asked, pouting with puppy-like eyes. Had it been any other night , Elodie would have fallen for it (she had fallen for it the previous day, rather easily), but she had been away from the Beauxbatons' housing one too many nights, and Fleur was one to complain.

"Freddie, I can't." Elodie shook her head, despite the pleading look on Fred's face. "Fleur will have a right go at me and I'm pretty sure Madame Beaumont won't be the most pleased either." 

"Fine, but can we talk quickly before you go?" Fred asked, and the small smile on Elodie's face dropped, the girl worried by his words. 

"And that is my cue to leave, night Ellie, try not to step in too much snow when you go back to the carriage." George smirked, quickly saying the password and disappearing into the common room. 

At the sound of the portrait closing, Fred pulled Elodie down to sit beside him the top stairs. "I'm going to go to sleep." The haughty voice of the Fat Lady announced. "Just knock if you want to get in." 

A soft snoring noise faded into the background, and Elodie watched as Fred got comfortable on the stairs. She might have the confidence to be a Triwizard champion, but not a single ounce of that confidence could be used to ask Fred what was happening. 

"I don't usually do the serious things, I'm sure you've figured that out by now." Elodie nodded slowly, somewhat scared by just how serious the twin appeared to be - it was a strange occurence. 

"Merlin this is awkward." Fred rubbed the back of his neck and Elodie drew her knees up to her chest. "I heard what George was saying to you earlier." He finally said. 

"What was George saying earlier?" Elodie asked, confused, But a wave of realisation soon hit her. "Oh, you heard that?"

"Me and George have been sneaking around the castle forever, I've gotten accustomed to whispering - it's a lot louder than you think. But that's off topic." Fred quickly said. "Like he said, we don't really do serious, but what he was talking about-"

"It's serious." Elodie finished, and Fred nodded. Her mind flickered back to the conversation between her and George, in which the twin had asked her a rather important question.

"Are you planning on staying with me when you go back to Beauxbatons." Fred said, and Elodie frowned. The answer was obvious to her, but there was something about it that was confusing her.

"I really like you, I really do - but if you were only planning on this being a Hogwarts thing then I understand - a holiday romance, right?" Fred quickly said when he noticed her expression. It was just like him to make a joke out of something like this, and it helped her feel at ease a little bit more. 

The ginger boy fell silent, his gaze trained on the dark haired girl across from him as she stared up at one of the portraits across from them - coincedentally it was one of the few which contained a couple, who were slumped against each other, asleep.

"I wasn't planning on that." Elodie said gently. Fred's head jolted up to look at her. "I wasn't planning on it being a Hogwarts thing. I couldn't really answer earlier because it just hit me that Hogwarts isn't actually my school." 

"Oh." Fred said, but a smile was on his face, somewhat of confusion as he processed the second part of her reply. "What do you mean?" He asked. 

"Don't me wrong, I absolutely love Beauxbatons and I can't compare the schools because they're so different and I love them both.. but I settled in so well here. I guess for a while it's just felt like home, easily just as much as Beauxbatons have ever felt like a home." Elodie shrugged.

"Transfer here." Fred said, rather suddenly. "I know I have no right to tell you to do that and I'm not asking you to tell me if you could even possibly consider it now but if it keeps going well, do you think you might be able to think about it?" The boy rambled, and Elodie just stared at him. 

"I'll think about it." She said quickly, standing up and leaning down to place a gentle kiss on Fred's cheek, ruffling his hair when she stood up. "Goodnight Freddie." She smiled, and disappeared into the night. 

Leaving Fred worrying if he had just gone too far.


𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now