Chapter 4

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"Did you hear about the new girl?" Haechan asked as Chenle got settled at the table.

He had slept in after a late night of gaming on his phone and now he looked like an absolute mess, not having enough time to get ready at all.

"What new girl?" Jeno asked, taking a bite of his breakfast as Renjun shook his head, reaching over to fix Chenle's tie as he ate.

"She's a sophomore and came in last night. She's rooming with Chaewon." Mark told them. "She was also scouted."

Chenle ears perked up as he heard the word "scouted." Not many students at Neo Academy were scouted, although most of his friends were.

Scouted students had pretty big reputations at the academy, since they weren't born into espionage. They were students that society simply couldn't handle, so they went to the academy instead, putting their skills to good use. As a scouted student himself, Chenle recalled how people would be so impressed by the way he knew how every weapon worked with just a quick glance.

"Sophomore? She's in your class then." Jisung said, giving Chenle a poke.

My class?

Before Chenle could say anything, the bell rang, signalling the end of breakfast and that class would be starting soon.

While his hyungs and Jisung were clearing the table, Chenle quickly shoved whatever he could in his mouth before quickly following them.


Yunhee has never had a teacher that introduced themselves by their first name. But that was exactly what Jaehyun did.

Chaewon had brought her to her homeroom class early so she could get introduced to the teacher before leaving for her own class. Yunhee honestly wasn't expecting her teacher to be a male that didn't look much older than her standing there. Not to mention how good looking he was.

"I'm Jaehyun." The male in front of her said, sticking out his hand. "I'm the Operations teacher here at Neo Academy."

"Operations?" Yunhee mumbled as she shook Jaehyun's hand. He nodded his head, making his way over to his desk, motioning her to follow him.

"I teach students how to survive in the field as an agent. You probably recall one of our students tailing you in the mall?" Jaehyun said, opening a filing cabinet and showing her a piece of paper.

Yunhee tried not to laugh as she saw it. It was filled in with the details of her fake ID and everything was beginning to make sense. "That was an assignment for this class?"

"Precisely." Jaehyun said, putting the sheet of paper back as students began filing in, taking their seats. Yunhee noticed Chenle enter from the corner of her eye, plopping down in a seat at the back of the classroom before loosening his tie and taking out his phone, leaning back in his chair as he started tapping away on the device.

"Anyways, let's get you settled." Jaehyun said, walking straight towards where Chenle was. The male eyed the teacher before turning back to his phone. As they got closer, Yunhee could see that Chenle was playing some game.


"Chenle." Jaehyun said, knocking on the desk.

"Yeah?" Chenle said, still tapping away. Jaehyun let out a deep sigh, giving Yunhee a look that made it obvious that he was thinking the same thing as her.

"This is your new seatmate, Yunhee. I expect you to show her around and make sure she's well adjusted." Jaehyun said, even though it was clear that Chenle wasn't listening.

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