Chapter 13

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Yunhee felt exhausted as she made her way to her room, dragging her feet up the stairs.

At least I'm not in the male dorms.

The female dorms were on lower floors than the male dorms, so Yunhee really couldn't complain as she entered the hallway where her room was.

Yunhee actually liked how her room was out of the way of the others, at the end of a centre hall. There were few rooms in this hall, most of them used for storage instead of for students.

Tonight though, Yunhee saw that there was a piece of paper stuck to her door.

Can't believe you were sent here just because no one else wanted you.

Real talented, orphan!

It was a petty note, definitely from someone that was jealous of her skills. Yunhee was used to bullying though, she had experienced it in all of the other schools she had been to but for some reason, experiencing it at Neo Academy hit her differently.

It stung. It stung a lot. And knowing that behind her door, Chaewon wouldn't be there to be a friend she could talk to made it so much worse.

Yunhee was too focused on blinking back the tears forming in her eyes that she didn't notice the male that had walked down the hall to her room, ripping the note from her door.

"Tsk, I can't believe that these students are going to be spies one day."

Wait, that voice.


Chenle was sitting on the lounge with Jisung, the two of them munching on snacks when Jisung's phone buzzed.

"What is it?" Chenle glanced as he shoved some chips into his mouth, glancing over at his best friend.

"Some of the other freshmen want my help with an assignment." Jisung said with a pout.

"You?" Chenle said, raising his eyebrow. "Out of everyone at this school, they're asking you?"

"I don't know." Jisung said, gathering his things. "Are you okay if I go though?"

"Fine." Chenle simply said, making Jisung sigh.

"I'll play a few rounds with you before I sleep." Jisung said, putting a smile on Chenle's face.

"You better." Chenle said as Jisung waved before leaving.

Chenle sighed as he looked at the half eaten bag of chips, deciding to head back to his room to finish assembling the machine that was scattered over his desk.

I really hate these stairs, Chenle thought as he made his way up to his dorm.

The room he shared with Jisung was on the far side, and he knew he had to walk past the rooms of all those annoying boys that always wanted him to check out their computer set up.

That was why Chenle decided to cut through one of the female floors to get to his room.

As he was walking down though, he noticed a girl standing in front of her door at the end of the hall on his right from the corner of his eye. A familiar girl.


Something made Chenle stop as he stared at Yunhee. That's when he noticed the note stuck on her door.

Are they seriously doing this again? Chenle thought as he was pulled by an invisible force towards Yunhee.

He tried to keep cool as he ripped the note off her door.

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