Chapter 23

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Jisung was a skilled pavement artist. And the secret to being a good pavement artist was being observant.

Chenle wasn't the least bit surprised when Jisung asked him about Yunhee. "You like her, don't you?"

Chenle had brought Jisung to the armoury this time. He wanted to chat with the younger male plus Mark and Lucas were busy briefing Yunhee, making sure she was ready for the mission.

"We kissed." Chenle said, smirking as Jisung was taken aback by his words. He took the opportunity to throw the taser at his friend.

Jisung caught it, twirling it in his hands a few times before placing it in the bag. "Was not expecting that."

"I know." Chenle said as he grabbed the handgun, fiddling with it before tossing it to Jisung.

Jisung caught it and placed it in the bag. "So are you two dating now?"

"I don't know, is that how it works?" Chenle asked. Jisung shrugged.

"I mean, you can kiss without dating, right?" Jisung pointed out.

"I guess. Should I ask her to be my girlfriend then?" Chenle said as he climbed up the ladder to reach the weapons on the top shelf.

"I mean if you want. But didn't someone say that dating a spy sucks?" Jisung said.

"That was Mark and also after Soojin went missing." Chenle said, climbing down. "You should have seen them when they were together, they were so happy."

"Yunhee makes you happy." Jisung said, surprising Chenle. "You definitely won't admit it but I know she does."

"You're not wrong." Chenle said, not wanting to agree with his best friend. It was still enough to make Jisung smile.

"Hah, I'm totally right." Jisung said, chuckling.

"Whatever." Chenle said, placing the last items in the bag. "Stop laughing, you can't even cook rice."

"I don't need to cook rice to be a good pavement artist." Jisung said, sticking his tongue out. Chenle rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go." Chenle said, trying to grab the bag from Jisung but Jisung pulled it away from him.

"I'll bring this to the hyungs. You should go see your girlfriend." Jisung said before scurrying off in giggles.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Chenle called out as he locked up the armoury.

"Not yet!" Jisung yelled back, making Chenle shake his head.


Yunhee's head was throbbing from her talk with Mark and Lucas.

The two had given her good advice and walked her through possible scenario she could encounter but at the same time, it was a lot of information to take in over such a short period of time.

Yunhee jumped at the sight of the male outside of her room, arms crossed as he stood there waiting for her with a wide grin on his face.

"Chenle, you need to stop doing that!" Yunhee exclaimed, hand over her beating heart.

"Didn't mean to, although it was quite funny." Chenle said as Yunhee unlocked the door.

"Why are you here anyways, we only have a few hours to sleep before we leave." Yunhee asked as the two entered her room.

Yunhee then realized that Chenle was wearing his pyjamas.

"Are you nervous, this is a pretty big mission." Chenle asked as Yunhee opened up her closet.

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