Chapter 18

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When they returned to the school, Yunhee noticed that the boys gave in the folders they were had collected, but the one that Yunhee had stolen was deep in Haechan's laptop bag.

"What are you doing right now?" Chenle asked as the other six boys separated, heading to their rooms.

"I have nothing planned, why?" Yunhee asked the male who was exchanging looks with Jisung before disappearing with the others.

"Come with me." Chenle said, leading Yunhee to the dorms.


"You told her, didn't you?" Mark said as Chenle and Yunhee entered the room the senior shared with Haechan.

"Well I couldn't leave her in the dark." Chenle argued. "Plus you wouldn't have the folder without her."

Her is right here, Yunhee thought as Mark let out a deep sigh, motioning the two of them into his room.

"Just hurry up and come in." Haechan said, rushing to close the door before anyone else could hear.

Yunhee settled on the floor where the boys were sitting, Renjun opening up the folder that she had retrieved during their mission.

"So you know everything about Soojin?" Mark asked, shooting her a look.

"Yes, she does." Chenle said, answering for her.

"You know, I can answer for myself." Yunhee told Chenle but he gave her a look before leaning in.

"Listen, Mark may seem nice and all but Soojin is kind of a sensitive topic for him." Chenle whispered into her ear, making a shiver run down her back.

Once she felt her body settle down as Chenle pulled away, Yunhee saw that the boys were going through the contents of the folder.

"Renjun, you memorized the contents of the other folders, right?" Mark asked. Renjun nodded his head.

"They were all details from the different missions Soojin's father, Han Sanghoon were on." Renjun informed them. "I think the safe house belonged to Soojin's father."

"I think so too." Mark said, nodding in agreement.

"He must have left in a hurry, the closets and boxes were completely dishelved." Jeno added.

"What I don't get," Jaemin said, motioning to the folder. "Is why that man was trying to get this folder. And out of all days, it had to be today."

Yunhee noticed Chenle's eyes narrowing at the folder and jumped when he suddenly spoke. "Stop, everyone freeze!"

The group all turned towards Chenle, wondering what had caught his attention when he got up, moving towards the duffle bag full of the weapons that needed to be returned tomorrow morning, grabbing a small box.

Yunhee leaned forward as Chenle moved towards the folder, opening the box which was filled with powder.

"Yah, mind the-"

Chenle ignored Haechan, powdering the folder with the contents of the box, much to the room owner's discontent.

"Great. Now you covered the floor in dust. Who's going to clean this all up now?" Haechan groaned, leaning back onto his bed.

"Just shut up." Renjun said as Chenle lightly fanned the folder, the dust flying. Another groan left Haechan's lips.

"Can you see that?" Chenle asked, looking towards Renjun.

Yunhee's mouth was wide open as she stared at the folder, where the dust now showed the different fingerprints on it.

"Chenle, you're a genius!" Jisung exclaimed, earning a smirk from his best friend as Chenle returned to Yunhee's side. The girl couldn't help but agree.

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