𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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Since Hange had some science things to do, she left earlier. So after dinner it was just you, Eren, Mikasa and Armin. You stayed a little longer and talked. In contrast to the others, they were pretty nice to you, even though you've only just gotten to know each other. Maybe you were already at the point where you could say that you guys were friends.

Armin told you about the world outside the walls, his dream was to see the ocean, ever since he was little. He showed you the book his grandfather gave him, who unfortunately passed away.

Eren on the other hand wanted to be free, he wanted to kill these things called Titans. He wanted to live in a world without them, that's why he joined the Survey Corps.

Mikasa told you about her past and how she met Eren, she and you had more things in common than you thought.

Since they told you things about them, it was only fair if you told them about you. And that's what you did.


"Okay guys, here is my room." You said when you arrived at your door. They decided to walk you to your room, since it was on their way.

"Oh cool! Our rooms are right next door." Eren sounded pretty excited about it. You opened your door and waved them goodbye.

"Alright, good night guys."

"Good Night (Y/n)."

Once in your room you put on some comfortable clothes and got yourself ready for bed. You laid down and pulled the covers over your body. Sighing tiredly you stared up at the ceiling, hoping that sleep would take over your body, but every time you closed your eyes his face would cross your mind, you just couldn't stop thinking about him. About Levi...

'He said my name so he recognizes me, but that doesn't explain why he was acting like that.'

'Does he hate me? Oh god what if he does hate me? Did I do something wrong?'

After all these years of not seeing each other, the first thing he does is to turn his back on you? Really? What an idiot.

But damn did it hurt.

You pulled the covers over your head when you felt tears forming in your eyes and forced yourself to sleep.


It was dark and quiet as you walked through the front door, which is really strange, because mom were home when you left and dad had to be home as well by now. You turned on the lights and called out for them.

"Mom? Dad?"

"Well, look what we have here. Hello little lady,"

You turned around and saw a man covert in blood with a knife in his hand. Was that the blood from your parents? The man kept coming up to you and grabbed your arm. "HELP, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!" When you managed to free yourself you ran out of the house, without looking back.

'Just keep running'


You shot awake, sweat drops rolled down your forehead. You were breathing heavily and sobs left your mouth, tears were streaming down your face. 'Can't I just have one peaceful night? It's always the same nightmare, can't it stop?'

You looked over to the clock that stood on your bedside table and sighed '2:47 am'. You dried your face and snuggled back under the covers, trying to fall asleep again.


Levi was sitting at his squad table, along with Erwin. They were talking about the next expedition, but he wasn't really listening. Every now and then his eyes would find their way back to you. After a while Hange stood up and walked out of the room, he assumed she had things to do.

After dinner he stood up and walked out, taking one last glance at you, you were laughing with the others. Levi rolled his eyes, before making his way to his office. On his way he saw two cadets talking to each other with their backs to him and stopped.

"What are you two doing here?"

They flinched and turned around to face him, immediately saluting him.

"O-oh, good evening, Sir!"

He clicked his tongue. "Tch, why aren't you in your rooms?"

"E-eh, we-"

"No, I don't even want to know. Just go!"

"Y-yes, Sir!" with that they hurried down the hallway and to their rooms.

He shook his head in annoyance and rolled his eyes as he continued his way to his office. As soon as he went in he sighed tiredly and ran a hand through his hair, before sitting down at the desk. Sighing once more as he saw the pile of papers in front of him.


The hours went on and Levi finally finished. He leaned back in the chair and looked to the clock that stood on his desk. '2:15 am'. Groaning, he lifted himself off the chair and stretched his limbs. He cleaned up a bit and decided against going to bed, because after a day like that he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Instead he decided to go and make himself some tea. When Levi walked through the hallway, he made sure to be quiet so he wouldn't wake anyone up. When he passed a familiar door he stopped and walked back, now standing directly in front of it.

It was your room.

For a few minutes he just stared at the door. 'Ugh, fuck it.' As quietly as he could he opened the door and stuck just his head in. You were fast asleep, thankfully. Quietly, Levi stepped further into the room and walked to your side. Soft snores left your mouth and your hair was covering half of your face.

Without really thinking about it, he reached out and tucked a strands of hair behind your ear. When he realized what he was doing, he immediately retreated his hand and backed away.

'What the hell am I doing? I shouldn't be here, not after the shit I've pulled earlier today.'

'But I can't face her without feeling guilty, after all, it's my fault that they're dead.'

It was hard, but he just couldn't. He just didn't knew what to do. He thought you were dead, too. And now that you were finally here he-

'Tch, I'm a fucking coward.'

Levi missed you so much and he was so happy to see you again, but it was better this way. He wanted to run to you, hug you and never let go. He wouldn't care if the others saw it. He wanted to tell you the truth and that he's sorry for leaving you. He wanted to tell you everything.

He didn't had a joyful childhood, he was always alone, but he never realized how lonely he felt after you were no longer with him. Especially after the death of Isabel and Furlan, but even then, it wasn't the same, it still felt like a part of him was missing.

Levi stood there for a few more seconds, before finally shaking his head. He looked at you one last time, then headed out of the room back to his office.

To be continued...

Finally we know why Levi was acting like that.
See you next time!

𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 -𝙇. 𝘼𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣Where stories live. Discover now