Ch. 10 "Accident"

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                                                       Jayden POV 

Me, Care, Tyler and Matt were at the grill, 

I was playing pool with Tyler, I asked Tyler if we could hang out since I wasn't really into the parade this year,

"Man have you been practicing?" Tyler said as I got another ball in the hole, 

"No, not really," I said chuckling 

I see Tyler's dad approach us, 

"What are you doing here? I told you to go home," Mayor Lockwood said 

"I decided not to," Tyler said 

Mayor Lockwood started dragging Tyler away, 

"Mayor is everything okay?" Care asked 

Matty also approaches 

"Pleas Tyler I need you to go home now, take your friends with you," Mayor Lockwood said 

"Why? What's going on?" Matty asked 

"I can't explain, all of you need to go home now, please," Mayor Lockwood said 

"Yeah, okay," Tyler said 

Mayor Lockwood gives Tyler his keys, 

"Here, take my car, it's out back Caroline, Matt, Jayden go with him," He said 

We look at him then leave 

I was in the front of the car in the passengers seat, the window rolled down, 

"What the hell is that?" Tyler said holding the side of his head, 

"What?" I asked 

"What's the matter?" Care asked 

"That noise!" Tyler said 

"Wait what noise?" Matt said 

Tyler lets go of the wheel, I try to grab it but my head hits the side of the car and everything goes black, 

                                                     Third Person POV 

Matt and Caroline are out of the car, an ambulance arrived Tyler is on the ground unconscious, Jayden was thrown from the car covered in cuts and bleeding, and EMT is trying to get her heart beat back, 

"Hey are you okay?" Matt asked Caroline

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Caroline said 

"No they need to check you out," Matt said 

"No I'm fine I'm fine they're helping Jay and Tyler, someone needs to call Elena or Jenna," Caroline said 

"We got her heartbeat, lets take her to the hospital she's losing a lot of blood," A paramedic said 

Stefan and Elena were talking about what happened when Elena's phone rang they were sitting at a table at the grill, 

"Hello?" Elena said 

"Whoa Matt slow down," Elena said 

Then she stood up quickly, 

"What, I'm on my way," Elena said 

"What happened?" Stefan asked 

"Jayden was in a accident with Tyler, Care and Matt, she's in surgery now," Elena said about to cry, 

"I'll drive," Stefan said 

Elena and Stefan rushed in the hospital, Matt, And the Sheriff were sitting waiting for Care, Jenna and Alaric were waiting for Jayden, 

"Have you heard anything?" Elena asked 

"The doctor said she's got shrapnel pieces near her heart, and in her stomach," Jenna said as she cried 

"She said she won't be out of surgery for hours," Jenna said 

Elena just stood there in shock, and Stefan had to sit down, Stefan looked at Jayden like a little sister he never had, 

Sure she didn't know anything about the supernatural and he wanted to keep it that way, she was too innocent to pure of heart, to get mixed up in it, but this news knocked the wind out of him, 

He walked out calling Damon, 

"Yes, baby brother I'm fine I didn't do anything drastic," Damon said 

"Damon.." Stefan said in a breaking voice, 

Damon paused knowing something was wrong, 

"What is it?" Damon asked 

"It's Jayden.." Stefan said 

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