thirty two

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It was a busy office, modern and clean. Jerome strolled in with his shotgun resting on his shoulder. He was trying to whistle as he walked up to the front desk but failed to get a complete tune out as he made eye contact with the receptionist, who already seemed worried by his presence. 

"I used to be a great whistler. Mm-hmm." He said to himself as he leaned against the reception desk.

"Uh, yeah, hi. I'm here to see Xander Wilde, and, no..." As Jerome said this he slammed down the gun that was resting on his shoulder onto the desk he was leaning on. 

"I don't have an appointment." He said with an evil smile. As he watched the receptionist panic as she tried calling security. He simply frowned at this action and turned away towards the stairs leading up to the main area of the office. 

"Don't bother going to security, they're all... headless. Yeah." said Jerome

He nonchalantly clambered the modern staircase, ignoring the subtle panic that had started to fill the office building. At the head of the stairs there was a conference room what was occupied. 

"All right. If you would all please look at the rendering, you'll notice that there are several interesting engineering problems that present themselves. Most..." said one of the engineers as they began their meeting oblivious to the madman who had just entered the room. 

The man feel silent when he heard the sound of Jerome cocking his shotgun, the members of the meeting all turning in a panic. 

"Oh, don't get up. I won't waste too much of your time." Jerome sneered as he pushed one of the plastic buildings off of the table. 

"I've got a business proposition. Tell me what I want to know and you don't get turned inside out." Jerome threatened as he looked around the room, resting the shotgun on his shoulder again. 

"Please, don't, don't hurt anyone." one of the engineers pleaded as they watched the barrel of Jerome's gun dance franticly over them.

"Where are Bruce Waynes blueprints" Jerome asked in a low and intimidating voice, leaning towards the old man, his expression terrifying. 

"W-what?" The man stuttered, confused by Jerome's question.  

"You know. The blueprints.... to Wayne enterprises, come on its not that hard. " Jerome scoffed, fiddling with the mans glasses. 

"Hmm? You know? Hmm?" Jerome asked looking around the room, pointing the gun at various other staff members. 

"I don't k-now, I-." Jerome interrupted the old man, he had grown bored of his slow and stuttering replies. To speed things up he aimed the shotgun which had been resting on his shoulder at the board member that had been sitting opposite the man who was talking and fired. The blast from the gun propelling the man back from the table and onto the floor. 

The blast caused the rest of the conference members to jump, all of them letting out cries of horror as they watched their college die. 

"Our chief executive has them!" the old man trembled, panic taking over as he spoke. 

"Executive, huh, like Bruce Wayne?" the mad man echoed.


"Hmm." Jerome hummed. 

"That boy is everywhere!" He chuckled to himself, turning away from the old man who was providing him the information. Suddenly, the criminal grabbed ahold of the old mans tie and yanked him closer, sticking the barrel of his shotgun, which was still warm from being fired, into the poor Wayne employees face. 

"Where can I find these plans, pray tell?" he grumbled, holding onto the tie of the man tightly. 

"I-I, I'll tell you. I'll tell you." the man stuttered in fear. 


The elevator doors chimed as Jim and Harvey reached the first floor. The first thing they saw was hundreds of Wayne employees running for their lives. Then the ominous sounds of gunfire followed and all the inhabitance of the first floor flinched and screamed as they ran. 

Jim and Harvey looked at each other which concern, the two officers reaching for the guns in anticipation for a fight. They quickly ran over to where the chaos was coming from when they saw a glimpse of red hair. 

"Jimbo! Ol' buddy, ol' pal. It's great to see you." Jerome yelled with a manic smile, taking cover behind a concrete pillar. He had several bags wrapped around him, this bags were in a tube shape, with the specific design for carrying maps or documents. 

Jim and Harvey immediately fired at the villain. 

"Drop the gun." Jim yelled keeping his aim firmly on where Jerome was camping. 

"Is that really how you are going to treat ur son-in-law?" Jerome responded with a sarcastic sadness. 

"What?" the police captain was caught off guard by Jerome's comment son-in-law? he thought as he plated 

"Give it up, clown boy." Harvey yelled in response. 

"Clown boy?" Jerome echoed with a frown. He then let out a chuckle.

"Hey. Knock, knock." Jerome emerged from his cover with a smile, his shotgun aimed firmly at them. 

All of a sudden, the two police officers heard the hissing of a flame thrower, they turned quickly enough to see firefly and ducked as she aimed her flames. Jerome rushed past them, giggling as he did. 

"You're supposed to say 'Who's there?'" he yelled before slipping away from them. 

A/N - 

Hello! a longer chapter! Wow! Haven't had these in a while. I tweaked the original scene, where Jerome goes to the Wayne offices to fine Jeremiah, but i have decided to leave Jerome's twin brother out of this story. In this fan fiction Jeremiah does not exist. The only reason i'm doing this is because its just going to get to complicated for me especially with Rory's role in the story, so I hope you all can understand why Jeremiah is being left out. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! What do you think Jerome is planning with those blueprints???? Ive recently got a tonne of support from you guys, the fact that this story is almost at 40K reads is un-fucking-believable and I am so glad that so many of you like the story that much! It means the world that so many people are interacting with the story and actually like whats going on. It's just cool, I guess, and I wanted to say thank you. 

This chapter is a bit rough around the edges, so sorry for any grammatical mistakes. Please don't be afraid to comment, i love seeing your reaction to what goes on in this story and of course, love to hear your ideas of what's going to happen next! :) 

Hope you are all happy and healthy and enjoying your holiday celebrations, whatever they maybe :)

All the best, 

- R. x


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