chapter 16 ~ the woman in the mantion

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chapter 16

  i woke up to being pushed around painfully.

  "Wake up!" someone yelled.

 "Get up!" another yelled.

 i opened my eyes and flinched back. they held guns in thier hands and they had a look of unbearable hatered on thier faces. i could tell i wasnt going to enjoy this day. then eric came into my mind and i started to cry again.

  "Shut up little girl. get out! its time to meet your aunt." they bald one said. he reminded me of one of the fat boys off of alice in wonderland. only he wasnt nice or funny. just ugley, mean, and kinda fat.

  i bit my lips together to hold back the sobs. they grabbed my arms hard and pulled me along the way. they made the blood stop in my arms. it hurt.

  they pulled me into a mansion looking place. i still had my hood on so i was happy for that, i wouldnt have to look anyone in the eye yet. it concealed me in a familier way that made me feel safer. but i knew i was anything but safe for now.

  i couldnt denie that the place was huge, but it was dark and scarey. it made me feel like i was in a horror movie. one were vampires covered the area and there were servents in bloody ragged clothes. i hated the feeling.

  we entered a big room. there was a large chair there, with a beautiful woman sitting in it. she had hair that was silky and brown like chocolate. her eyes were a blazing blue color, but they were deadly. she was skinny and tallish. long legs and arms.  her skin was pale in the dim light. she looked amused, yet had a wild glint in her eyes.

"Aw. theres my beautiful niece! i havent seen you since you were a baby! when your idiotic mother and stupid father were alive. i've missed you!" the woman said wildly.

  he voice sent chills down my spine. the bad kind. she scared the living daylights out of me.

  "A few rules. You do everything i say. You are a servent to me. And you go with the other servents. from now on, you are just the girl behind the hood."




sry it so short. mom kicked me off.

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