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"That's it with today's game live from the SWISS Arena here in Kloten. Thank you for listening and until the next home game. Goodnight," I tiredly took off my headphones. The lamp was extinguished, and I was no longer on air. With a sip I emptied my glass and packed my notes and statistics. It was maybe just a fan livestream, but for me, it was much more. It was my chance to gain experience.

Since I could think, I always wanted to be a commentator in sport. Ice hockey had just done it to me, not least because my uncle was an ice hockey player and now served as head of sport at the club. My cousin, his son, had also played for this club for a long time before he had moved to league rival ZSC Lions.

With my bag packed, I wanted to leave my commentary cabin and make my way home. But I didn't get that far because my uncle was waiting for me outside.

"Another drink on success, finally we are on the verge of remergence," he looked at me. I actually wanted to say no, but I couldn't beat my favorite uncle. So, I just nodded and left my bike, which I just wanted to unlock.

So, we went back to the inside of the stadium, where the players were also allowed to celebrate, even if it was only with coke and water. Growing up with and in the club, I knew everyone. Not least because of that I got the job at all. Unfortunately, I did not earn anything financially, but I saw it as an opportunity for a future in the area. Even though I was reminded time and again that it was even harder as a woman, But I loved this profession. So, I spent my free time memorizing data and cadres.

"Saturday night, and you're still here voluntarily, shouldn't you get in touch like others your age?" Dominic asked me amused. He was the oldest in the team and liked to raise us boys with it, of course he always got a counter.

With a broad grin, I saw the Canadian attacking player: "And shouldn't such old people already be in bed?" Laughing, he just took me in his arms, which looked funny. Dominic was about twice as wide as me and a head bigger, so I was actually doing with almost everyone. My mum was always afraid that the players might crush me.

My uncle had already got a beer for himself and me in the between times. Unlike the players, we were allowed to take a sip or even a bottle. The young players were always very jealous of this, which was always food for me.

Since much of the coaching staff joined my uncle, I sneaked into my friends: "May the little boys are not allowed to drink yet." Greg looked at me sourly, because I had punched him in the cheek. Laurent could only laugh, and Gian looked slightly offended to me. We were all at school together and had always got along great because of ice hockey.

"Well, some have a real job to do," I looked at Gian with raised eyebrows. He certainly looked at me, while Laurent just had to laugh more at him, which made me smile.

Cheeky I looked at the player: "You call ranning behind a disc a real job?" Shrugging his shoulders, he looked at me and took a sip of his Coke. I think that's what we've done again for tonight.
Laughing, the four of us stood together and talked about the game and all sorts of things, with Greg putting his arm on my shoulder. I didn't mind, I was cuddling even closer to the smallest player in the squad. Before anyone thought something wrong, we knew each other before we could leave, so he was already my brother.

The hours passed quickly, and my bottle was empty. So, it was really time to go home or drive. I happily said goodbye to my friends and the rest of the players who were still celebrating. Shortly I gave my uncle another kiss and took my bag back in my hand.

Before I swung on my bike, I put my headphones in my ears. With Queen on my ears, I drove from the stadium grounds through the abandoned road to the neighbor village. In front of a large block, I stopped and descended from the bicycle. My head wobbled to the beat of the music and Silently I sang the song along. Still in the rhythm of the song, I danced from the storage room to the elevator. With momentum, I pressed the button and enjoyed the last sounds of Bohemian Rhapsody. But that also ended my playlist and so moved to the next one. Just as the door of the elevator opened, Freddie Mercury's voice with Barcelona rang out.

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