I'm The Hunter

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So this is what has happened. Kai has refused to let anyone, but Hiccup into the cave. Fish-legs almost challenged him in it through a fight, but Kai dislocated his arm before relocating it.

Everyone, besides Fish-legs, is more curious about the tattoo though. Hiccup tried convincing Kai to go to Berk with him, but Kai refused to leave Flame alone. Hiccup was almost at his wits end at his stubbornness. "Just like you," Astrid said smartly. "Not helping Astrid," Hiccup said. "Hiccup I'm worried. Being that close to the volcano is dangerous. If he does not leave soon he could die," Fish-legs said. "I am too, but something tells me we couldn't get him out even if we use a Quaker dragon to pull him out," Hiccup said as a fact.

"Well the twins are gonna be back from the market with food and supplies tomorrow so we should at least try before they officials from Berk get here," Fish-legs said. "I for one would like to know why he has a chieftain tattoo on his arm because he can't possibly be related to you despite his resemblance," Heather said. "It's obviously fake," Snot-lout said snobbishly. "He's just a Dragon Hunter Viggo sent to distract us," Snot-lout continued. "He isn't though. If he was why would Viggo let a dragon that can make gold possibly fall into our protection? He would never give that up," Hiccup said. "Unless the golds fake," Heather said. "Meat-lug tasted it. That gold is no fake," Fish-legs said. "And I watch him peel it off his dragon every day, so he can't just be sticking it back on," Hiccup said. "We know nothing about him," Heather said. "He doesn't seem to want to know much about us," Astrid comments.

"Do you blame him? He seems focused on protecting his dragon," Hiccup said. "Too me it looks like he's just avoiding you," Snot-Lout stated. Hiccup had to admit that did seem true. Kai rarely spoke to him after their first encounter and it was kind of annoying because he said nothing about who he really is and his hobbies. Hiccup wanted to know more about this mysterious guy who just showed up out of nowhere, but he does not really seem keen to say where he came from.

As they talked the twins suddenly waltzed in wearing jewelry and expensive stuff with no food. Even chicken was wearing some sort of golden chicken necklace. "Uhh guys? Where's the food we sent you too get?" Hiccup asks already dreading the answer. "Well we were going to get food," Ruff-nut began. "But then we got all this great shiny stuff from the markets and it was awesome! I mean look at all this amazing stuff!" Tuff-nut said. They all groaned and facepalm at the twins. "You two mutton heads were supposed to get food!" Astrid scolds them. "And not to spend too much. Kai's trusted us with the gold from his dragon we can't take advantage of it," Fish-legs said. "We did no such thing!" Ruff-nut said over dramatically. "Yeah we only spent five scales," Tuff-nut said. "For all that?" Snot-lout asks skeptic as everyone else pointing his finger and gesturing to all of them with his arms mostly crossed.

"Yeah we stole the rest," Tuff-nut said. Hiccup put his hand on his temple rubbing. "Oh gods you know what? I'm too tired to think about this. I'm going to bed," Hiccup said walking away. Toothless followed his rider as Hiccup sat on his bed giving a tired sigh looking out the window of his hut to see the setting sun.

Toothless made a purring concerned noise and Hiccup gave him a quick pat. "Don't worry bud I'm fine it's just been a," Hiccup started only to pause when he heard a loud blast. He and Toothless got outside and saw that Astrid had taken flight on Storm-fly and was blasting at the dragon hunter ships that were sailing right at them. "What? How did they get so close?" Hiccup asks getting on Toothless and taking flight. Fish-legs was right beside Hiccup and had the exact same question as his leader.

"How could they have gotten so close? Snot-lout and Heather had just gone out on patrol they would have been able to warn us if any ships were approaching. Snot-lout not telling us sure, but Heather has always been so diligent," Fish-legs states. "I don't know. We can ask them about it later for now we need to defend the Edge," Hiccup said as he flew down on Tooth-less. He came up below the side of the ship to hide from the one next to it. He then made a sharp turn and Tooth-less blew a plasma blast at the dragon Hunter ship hitting it. He then made a sharp turn to the sky getting out of the arrows range before some other Hunter ship took a chance at them. When Hiccup looked down to survey the damage he curses realizing that the plasma blast did nothing, but shake the ship.

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