Dragon's Child

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(Okay so the original idea is a little different than the one I had originally done, but I still give credit too Creative_fireblaze for giving me this story idea)

Screams of pain were heard all over Berk as the wife of the chief Stoick The Vast had gone in to labour. Lucky for them no dragons were attacking tonight so that took a bit of edge off the rather tense and dire situation going on. Gothey the resident healer of Berk had been called upon in the middle of the night to attend the birth of the long awaited heir to Berk's tribe. Stoick was a hefty man with muscles to spare and a growing red beard that was braided to show his sign of cheiftom. Valka was a strong woman with brown hair that was beaded with sweat and deep green eyes like her husbands and was in the pain that came with labour. Gobbler was silently waiting in the corner nervous as his chief and best friend.

Stoic had never been more frightened than he is right now as Gothy helped his wife along. "You can do it Valka dear just breath and," Stoick began. "YOU DO NOT TELL ME IN THOR'S NAME WHAT TO DO! YOU PUT THIS PAIN IN THE STOMACH INSIDE OF ME AND NOW I GOT TO GET IT OUT SO SHUT UP FOR THE GODS NAME!" Valka screams in pain and anger at Stoic.

The grand and fearless leader of the hooligan tribe of Berk who had faced and killed many dragons instantly shuts up. Gothy motions for Valka to push and push she did. Her screams were then matched with that of a baby screaming as Gothy held up a baby in cloth with the cord cut off with a dagger. Valka and Stoic smiled at the child as Gothy handed it to her chief. He looked and smiles proudly to see a boy that looked healthy and seemed a bit weak for Berk's standards of a chief's child with the beginnings of brown hair. Stoic smiled lovingly though and just accepted this was the best he would get. "He will make a fine chief someday," Stoic said proudly. Just as Valka was about to ask to hold her baby she suddenly screams in pain once more. Stoic panics and quickly handed his son to Gobber. "What's wrong?" He asks Gothy who was surprised and held up two of her bony pale fingers.

"Twins! By Odin's beard your getting twins Stoic!" Gobber said in shock. Stoic was shocked too because twins were rare on Berk only born every few generations. Gothy helped Valka as she guided her through the process once more. After ten tense minutes another baby's crying joined in and Gothy held up the second child. Valka breaths a sigh of relief. "No more," she breaths tired. Gothy shook her said to say there were no more. Stoic took the second twin looking at him and saw unlike his brother he was strong and healthy with a bit more colour to his skin. Stoic smiles proud of his second son. "Stoic?" The chief looked down at his wife. "Can I hold them?" She asks. Stoic nodded handing the younger one down to Valka and Gobber smiles happily handing the older one to Valka as well who looked at them proudly.

"Which? Which one is older?" She asks. Stoic took a moment before pointing to the stronger one that was actually the younger one. Gothy and Gobber were about to correct him when he sent them a harsh glare. Not even Gobber had the courage to stand up to his friend in that moment. She smiles and kisses both their heads. They opened their eyes yawning and all in the room saw the amber eyes of the younger one while the older had green eyes like his mother.

"Oh are they not beautiful?" Valka asks proudly. Stoic smiles nodding lovingly to his wife. Soon though Valka fell asleep due to pure exhaustion. Stoic put his twins in the cradle as they both snuggled next to each other. Gobber took that time to interject. "Stoic it was actually that twin that is," Gobber began. "I know Gobber, but look at the other one. In all of the yaks litters there is a weak one that does not survive. He will not last the winter I must think of the village and watch over the stronger one. He will make a much better and stronger chief that will lead Berk to glory," Stoic said. Gothy was too afraid to scribble something to say to the chief. Gobber was surprised at his best friend. How could he say this about his own child? "You will still watch over him right?" Gobber asks. "Of course I will, but I need to think of the village," Stoic replied than looked at the two icy cold. "You two shall never say a word to Valka or anyone," He said. The two were silent before Stoic repeats himself. "To anyone," he said more sternly and they reluctantly agreed as Stoic looked at his twin boys. Besides the eyes they were identical.

A Viking Chief's twinsWhere stories live. Discover now