Ultra Trouble

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Kai was reading a letter from his 'adoptive' parents. Unlike some might think his parents never kept it a secret he was adopted, but always told him how much they loved him as a son no matter what. It didn't explain some things though. Where did his parents find him? Why does he have fire powers? Who was his real family? He will always see Nya as his little sister always, but it's just hard sometimes especially on his birthday. Was it even really his birthday?

"Hey Kai watch a looking at?" Jay asks coming over to the master of fire. Kai shrugged and looked at the paper his adoptive parents left for him. All it said was that they loved him and value him. "It's nothing important," Kai sighed. "Well then could you come outside something is wrong with Ultra," Jay said and Kai got up worried for Ultra. "Yeah coming," Kai said following Jay to the deck where the others were. Ultra dragon was having a heated battle with the fire head of the dragon aka Flame.

Zane and Cole were trying to calm Shard and Rocky down with no luck while Jay was having no luck with Whisp as he joined in and tried.

"Kai something is wrong with Flame," Lloyd said concerned for Ultra. Kai goes over to Flame who was snapping his head and trying to bite at the others who were roaring at him. Kai put his hands on Flame and rubbed his muzzle calming him down. "Hey Flame what's wrong buddy? What's got you so grumpy?" Kai asks his dragon head. Flame looked right into the eyes of his master and roared loudly knocking Kai over. A bright flash of light happens and when everyone looked they saw all their dragons had separated once more. The ice, earth, and lightning dragon was disoriented by the suddenness while Flame was stretching his wings.

"Flame? Are you alright? Why did you separate?" Kai asks concerned. Flame looked at him and picked him up throwing Kai onto his back and taking to the sky. "FLAME! PUT ME DOWN NOW!" Kai yelled at the top of his lungs. He heard the others trying to get on their dragons, but they were too still disoriented from separating. Suddenly Flame tucked his wings to his body and Kai knew what this meant. He held on tightly for dear life as the dragon made a portal and went through it.

"Kai! Where is Flame going?" Nya asks in worry for her adoptive brother. Sensei Wu looked to the sky stroking his beard in thought. "I do not know, but we need to find them," Sensei Wu said. Cole turned to Rocky. "You know where they went Rocky?" Cole asks his beloved dragon. The earth dragon nodded his head. "Can you follow him?" Cole asks. Rocky shook his head. "Whisp? What about you bud?" Jay asks. Whisp also shook their head and Shard does the same before even being asked. "This is bad. What is Flame even thinking?" Sensei Wu mutters.

Nya looked to the sky and prays for her brother to be alright.

How To Train Your Dragon World

Kai saw a bright flash of light before he was suddenly in a new realm. He knew this because he recognized the feeling of traveling through a portal.

When he looked below he saw a ocean and that they were heading towards a island.

"Flame? What's going on?" Kai asks his dragon.

'I am sorry to alarm you master, but it is my time,'

Kai was shocked he actually got a reply. "You can talk? Why haven't you ever talked before?" Kai asks his fire dragon.

'I have wanted to talk to you for ages, but as you know the blue ninja talks a lot and Whisp did not want to deal with that as much as she loves him," Flame sighs. Kai was filled with dread as he realized what Flame just said to him. "Time? What do you mean? Are you going die?" Kai asks fearful. Flame gave a rumbling chuckle.

'I appreciate your worry master, but no I will not be dying,'

Kai sighed in relief hugging his dragon.

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