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Some Undisclosed Location

A teenager with black garments, shaggy black hair, and piercing dark pine green eyes was roughly dragged away from his beloved dragon Rocky to some location he did not want to imagine. Rocky had been sedated before being separated so it was the teenager who was the problem as he refused to give in trying to get to his dragon. He had over heard some hunters muttering about how the dragon was going to make them piles of gold and save them so much labor.

"Rocky! Let me go!" Cole demands straining against the chains as he was thrown into a cage.

Since Cole was so strong he was always wrapped in tons of chains to weigh him down and when he was let out it was too move large boulders or create a bunch of dumb rocks. When he tried escaping or resisting his loved ones were threatened.

Rocky was taken onto a hunters ship along with other dragons that Cole heard the hunters refereed to as Gronkles. They were fat and small with lumps and a variety of colours. Cole fought with all his might and managed to take out a few hunters despite the chains, but they still managed to get him in a cage.

"What do you need me for!?" Cole yells at them. "Your not gonna like it that's for sure freak," a hunter laughs at him. Cole could only watch as he was taken further and further from Rocky as he watches the ship sail away. He had no idea where he was going or what they were using Rocky for, but it could be nothing good.

Cole still struggles against the chains trying to break them apart. As he does it he looks up and realized there was one less guard than when the cage had started to be pushed. He looks around as he realizes another guard was gone, by the third there was a scream and the rest of the six guards engaged in combat.

Cole couldn't see who it was since the trees casted a dark shadow, but he heard a loud deranged sounding laugh of glee as whoever was fighting the guards took them down. It was only a few minutes before all the guards were on the ground groaning. Cole saw as the unknown assailant made himself known by grabbing the keys off the hunter and unlocked the cage and walked over to him undoing the chains.

Cole looks the guy up and down as he rubbed his wrists. The guy was wearing a combination of steel and worn leather armour, the metal outlining where the pieces of garments ended and he had a symbol of some type of dragon on his chest, his beard was growing in with patches same as his slightly longer patchy hair both a dark rusty red colour, half his face was scared, but you could still clearly look at him without thinking of it as mutated, he had green eyes with a bit of insanity in them, he had two tattoos which was a blue one over his left eye and the other was a list of names with a couple crossed off.

"What do you want?" Cole asks not totally trusting the guy who just saved him. The guy smiles something that definitely did not show a hint of sanity. "I need your help. I heard about you and I'm kind of supposed to be dead so you think you could help a guy out? After all I just freed you," The guy said his voice smug and cheery. Cole clenches his fists and asked. "And why should I? I only help those with good intentions and not just because I owe them a favour," Cole said. The guy gave a small laugh. "Ha! You sound just like Hiccup," he wipes a tear from his eye. "Anyway I want you too help me rescue my gronkle Shatter-master. I know you'll say yes since he's meant to be on the same shipment as your dragon," The guy said smugly.

Cole thinks about it for a moment. He needs Rocky and he also needs to find the others especially Kai who could be in First Spinjitzu Master knows what condition along with the rest of his family.


Felt like adding that now back to the present

When I punched Cole it felt really good. He's lucky I didn't burn him alive, but it's still on the table.

A Viking Chief's twinsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن