I Want A Dog

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(Might change this title too hmmm)

All the tribes backed away from Cole who was rolling his eyes. "Demon? Really? Do you see any horns?" Cole points to his head. "YOUR A DEMON SENT BY HELLA HERSELF!" Icarus shouted.

Vikings started getting their weapons out and the Berkians were unsure what to do because it seemed like any move they made would result in their deaths. Cole was also unsure what to do because he didn't want to hurt all these innocent people and he could also see Zane and Jay had backed up right next to him ready to fight for their boyfriend's protection.

Viggo and Ryker were watching this display with lots of amusement and the ninja could totally see them both eating some popcorn if that existed in this world. "Wait!" To everyone's shock it was Tuff who said this holding up his hands and then gestured to the three ninja.

"These are not demons! How dare you disrespect the ones blessed by the gods themselves to spread their message," Tuff-nut said speaking loudly and pointing at the three. "What in Odin's beard is he going on about?" Stoic asks. "Don't worry chief we came up with this ages ago," Ruff-nut assures as all they can do is watch.

The three ninja are dumbfounded as Tuff-nut keeps speaking. "This boy here is blessed by Jörd herself! She chose him worthy to spread her legacy as her decibel and you dare call him a demon!" Tuff-nut scoffs. Cole did not have a clue what was going on, but nodded along to everything Tuff-nut was saying. "Do not listen to him! He's a demon we must kill!" Ryker said. The tribes looked pretty split. While they did think Cole was a demon did they really want to risk the earth goddess's wrath?

"Hey lightning boy," Ruff urges Jay making zapping noises. Jay stares at her blankly and Zane face palms. "Make a storm Jaybird," Zane said and this time Jay understood. He steps forward and shouts. "Watch this!" He has lightning dance on his finger tips and shoots lightning into the clouds making thunder boom and lighting to (accidentally) strike right next to Icarus.

"See! He is blessed by Thor himself! Do you want to anger Thor himself! By calling his blessed human's best friend a demon!" Tuff-nut booms. Zane leans over to Hiccup. "Should I show my powers?" Zane asks. "No they'll think your a ice giant and use you to try and see the future since ice giants are said to see the future," Hiccup explains and Zane looks confused. "But I do have visions of the future," He said in confusion. Hiccup looks at him opens his mouth before throwing his hands in the air. "Look I can't deal with this I've already been poisoned today I deserve a nap," Hiccup said just done with the this day.

The tribes were not entirely sure so Jay claps his hands and had lightning crash onto the ground around the tribes. They shrieked and bowed to them and apologizing and begging for forgiveness. Jay smiles mischievously. "Jay don't," Zane began when Jay gave him puppy dog eyes, so he was clearly out matched. "Fine," Zane relented to his blue boyfriend who smiles wildly with a mischievous grin.

This was going to be interesting

Below in the mountain caverns

Snot-lout, Kai, and Ember were pinned against a wall ice wall. Kai squints at the guy pinning them and said. "Hey! Your that guy who kidnapped my brother!" He states. Snot-lout was next to speak. "And you were at Viggo's auction too!" He states.

The man had chocolate brown skin, brown eyes that had a scar over one, but bigger than Kai's, red dragon skin vest, green pants, combat boots, a belt that held two small axes, and a purple cape. The man smirks and said. "Yes I remember you both. I remember you were quite the challenge, but still ultimately nothing compared to me," he taunts then turns to Snot-lout and frowns. "I also remember you were very annoying," he states, but Snot-lout smiles smugly. "Thank you,"

A Viking Chief's twinsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt