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When they got back to the Edge Kai went off with Snot-lout checking on the night terrors while the others took the chance to have Kai distracted to talk to Hiccup.

They also did not really approach it gently. Well, Fish-legs did try, but Astrid beat him too it.

"Hiccup, Kai is dangerous we need to get rid of him," Astrid said surprising and shocking Hiccup. "What?" He asks in shock. Fish-legs tries to smooth over what Astrid just said, but the twins beat him too it. "Hiccup as twins ourselves we need to warn you of the evil twin gene," Tuff-nut said in a mysterious manner. "Yes there is always a good twin and a evil twin and your twin is," Ruff-but gave a dramatic pause. "The evil twin!" Tuff-nut finishes over dramatic. "Okay really? All twins are like that? Then which one of you is the evil twin?" Hiccup asks skeptical. "That would be Tuff," Ruff-nut said pointing at her brother beside her while Tuff just shrugs and did not deny it really.

Hiccup looks at Fish-legs who has not spoken yet. "Look what we mean is Kai isn't one of us. He is also dangerous Hiccup and we can't risk having him around without being sure he's not going to turn us into Viggo. The guy can't read or write for Thor's sake how does he even know how to take care of a dragon?" Fish-legs asks. "And he can stop a mans heart with just a touch Hiccup," Heather said. "For the safety of the riders we need to know his plan what he's really doing here," Astrid said crossing her arms. "Astrid I can't believe you," Hiccup said standing. "After everything he has done why would my own brother betray us? Ruff Tuff could you ever imagine the other being a traitor?" Hiccup asks.

"Uh-huh," they both said with shrugs and blank faces.

"He isn't a Viking Hiccup he doesn't know how to properly act as someone of his birth status," Fish-legs said. "And he claims he's been to this island called Ninjago. I would know Hiccup if such a island like he claims exists," Heather said.

"He's evil," Astrid said trying desperately to convince Hiccup. "And how is he evil?" Hiccup asks with a small glare. "He is clearly working for Viggo. He just happens to show up when Berk's in crisis, he has a dragon that can grow gold scales, was just there when Ryker happened to invade, and he refused to give gold to Yohan. Not to mention he is constantly with Snot-lout and is clearly trying to turn Snot-lout against us since he's the only one dumb enough to be manipulated like that. The mutton head would do anything to look cool," Astrid scoffs.

Hiccup is quiet and thinks about what Astrid and the others are saying. He needs to play his guard carefully. Kai has told him the real reason he hasn't returned is because he's dealing with his own team throwing him out for a small mistake and that team was his family like the riders are to Hiccup. But now that Hiccup remembers what Kai told him and how Astrid talks about him........he also doesn't miss how Snot-lout was personally excluded from this. A decision like this should be made with all dragon riders bias or not. Also Astrid was being really hypocritical right now.

"Okay here is what's going to happen," Hiccup said standing up. "Fish-legs you can teach Kai how to read and write and manners starting tomorrow and Astrid can we have a word alone?" Hiccup asks with a underlined annoyance.

They both left to go to his hut alone. "Look Astrid Kai's different yes and your right we don't know anything about him," Hiccup began and Astrid has a aura of smugness around her though she does not show it on her face like the trained warrior she is. "But I am disappointed in you," Hiccup said. Astrid was shocked by this and it was shown on her face. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Astrid your being a hypocrite here," Hiccup said crossing his arms. "And how is that?" Astrid asks angry. "You constantly train to be a warrior day and night, but when someone else is better than you you decide to belittle them constantly. You make people trust your instincts," Hiccup began. "And they are always right!" Astrid argues. "That's not the point. The point is when your instincts are different than someone else's you see them as a threat. You are a hypocrite Astrid and I want you to be showing the team some respect from now on and I want you to stop being so suspicious of Kai when he has done nothing, but good. I want you to act like you are above everyone and that your always going to be the best warrior because Astrid you aren't. There are other fighting styles that each have a advantage. Kai's just as much a warrior as you and I want you to treat him with the respect he deserves," Hiccup said in a voice he uses with the twins, Snot-lout, his father once or twice, but never Astrid.

She glares at him. "Hiccup he is not one of us," Astrid said. "Astrid please he's my brother. I have another part of my family. You don't trust in anyone or that they can be a warrior just as much as you are," Hiccup said. "I do trust people I trust you and the others," Astrid said. "You don't trust Snot-lout," Hiccup points out and Astrid scoffs. "He can't go ten feet without setting himself on fire. He's worse than the twins," Astrid said. "And right there is where you need to change.  Kai's given me a fresh perspective on things. In fact I've decided to give your missions to Snot-lout until you start being more supportive and accepting of my brother," Hiccup said putting his foot down.

Tooth-less is becoming agitated by the growing tension in the room as Hiccup and Astrid stare each other down both not backing down in their contest waiting for the other to crack. "He's a druagar Hiccup I saw him carrying lava, in his bare palms," Astrid said.

(For those who do not know a Druagar was a Viking demon, or at least that's what the internet said when I looked up Viking demons *shrug*)

Hiccup's glare intensified. "I know he showed me," Hiccup said. "And you let him in here!" Astrid yelled at him. "It was a sign of trust Astrid! He trusted me with his secret like I trusted you with Tooth-less when we were kids," Hiccup states. "He's too dangerous Hiccup. We know nothing about him," Astrid said. "Well it's not like your making a effort to get to know him," Hiccup points out quite frankly.

"I prefer not to get buddy buddy with my enemy," Astrid said. "He wouldn't be your enemy if you got to know him. Astrid he's been on his own he's known loss he's not a Druagar he's like how I was. Feeling rejected by everyone just because you couldn't hold the standards they wanted from you," Hiccup said in a soft voice speaking from all those hard years he had growing up. "Astrid please I have appreciated all you have done, but all I ask now is that you agree to at least try not to act like he's a traitor," Hiccup pleads with her. Astrid crossed her arms a hard concentrated thought over taking her features.

Then she sighed. "Fine," she said and Hiccup smiles gratefully.

"Thank you Astrid," Hiccup said grateful thinking this was the end of it, but it was far from that.


Astrid was not making friends with that Druagar. She will be proving to Hiccup that Kai is no good. And she is not a hypocrite she just has very high standards and the people who don't meet those standards are not worth her time in her mind. Also her instincts say Kai is hiding something about his past. He keeps mentioning these people, but sometimes it sounds like he's about to say something else before changing it. Also some of his stories just don't add up at all and anyone with that amount of skill needs to be closely monitored. Also if Kai has another family in Ninjago why hasn't he gone back yet? Maybe he isn't as good as he claims to be.

He held a knife to Snot-louts neck for Thor's sake. And he can just suddenly speak a language clearly? She doesn't know much about how quickly you can learn a language, but she knew enough that you just don't speak it fluently. It sounds like made up jibberish to her so this 'new language' is clearly a fake and she is going to prove it.

Right now she's flying on Stormfly trying to find out where Kai is since she has so much free time because Hiccup gave her shifts to Snot-lout, Snot-lout! Heather would have been better, Fish-legs sure, the twins maybe, but even those two dummy twins Ruff and Tuff made for their watch tower duty would be better than him!

As Astrid flew over the island looking for Kai so she can find him doing something that she can tell Hiccup about to convince him she is right.

As she flew over she saw a small fire and landed to make a sneak attack. Whatever made the fire is worth looking at and she hoped it was Kai. As she approached she made a hand gesture for Storm-fly to stay down and be quiet which the dragon easily obeyed. As she approached she keeps to the bushes and saw who was at the fire.

"Yohan?" She asks startling said man. When he saw Astrid though he was relieved. "Oh thank the mighty gods that you happen to come across madam Astrid," Yohan said in a gracious tone. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you just go to Hiccup at the docks?" Astrid asks. Yohan looks around and whispered unnecessarily. "Because I have something to show you and I did not want that.......twin of Master Hiccup's seeing it less that latest burden suspects," Trader Yohan said.

"What do you mean?" Astrid asks. Trader Yohan was about to say something before catching himself.

"It would be wiser for me to show you," he said and lead Astrid to a cove. In the cove was what was left of a boat that was wrecked. There was covering it all over, blast marks that looked to be from a Skrill and some other dragon, the sail was missing as if the mast pole was ripped out, and

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