Time Out

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It was a long awkward ride back to say the least. Kai flew back on Wisp with Jay in his arms tightly as they arrived back at the Edge. The second they landed Kai asks Hiccup. "Where can he go?"

"The paddocks have cots to use," Hiccup said pointing to where the dragons slept. Kai nodded and silently took Jay to said paddocks with Zane following close behind. Kai laid Jay down gently on the cot in the paddock and looked him over. Jay was a little malnourished, but otherwise fine and just needed rest to recharge.

"So? Anyone want something to eat? Cause I am starving and," Snot-lout began being ignored. "Your dating him?!" Fish-legs screeches pointing at Jay. "Quiet! Let's take this to the Club house," Kai said barely keeping it together. That's what they do moving to the club house where Fish-Legs goes on a rant.

"This is not acceptable this is unheard of this is!" Fish-legs yelled when he was cut off by Kai. "Look it isn't that complicated. Love is love I don't judge you for your clear unhealthy obsession with dragons especially your own," Kai said quite frankly and the Viking sputters and was about to go on a rant about how that was completely unrelated when Hiccup interrupted. "I honestly don't see what the big deal is here," he said and Kai feels a weight lift off his shoulders at his twins words. "The big deal is that this isn't right!" Heather said pointing her axe at Kai who glares. "And how is this not right?" Zane asks deadly. "Men and men can't produce the next generation and it is unethical to be with more than one," Heather said.

"Are you just jealous I got three while you got zip?" Kai asks smugly making Heather scarlet, but from embarrassment or anger was unclear, but Fish-legs had to hold her back from running him through with her axe.

"Look in Ninjago barely anyone gives a shit who you date as long as they don't kill you or get yourself killed, or any of the other toxic relationship stuff," Kai said. "So does that mean we should not date?" Zane asks Kai who looked at him slack jawed. "You do get us almost killed a lot," Zane said. "Name one time," Kai argues. "I would, but I do not want to give this group multiple reasons to mock you considering your record fire-fly," Zane said cooly and smugly. "Whatever," Kai scoffs with a eye roll.

"I'm just wondering why this is a surprise?" Tuff-nut asks and everyone looks at the twins in shock. "You knew?" Astrid asks in disbelief. "Of course it was so obvious," Ruffnut said with a scoff, eye roll, and hands on her hips. "I thought everyone knew," Tuff-nut said confused. "And how did you know?" Snot-lout asks. "Cryptic about his relationship concerning his previous teammates, constantly changing his words, not to mention he was not attracted to my mind stopping beauty," Ruff-nut smiles proudly gesturing to herself. "And I saw the way he was eying me," Tuff-nut said with a flick of his hair and Kai almost gags.

"No, no that did not happen," he denies. "Well he's a cool dude and frankly the only one who gives me respect so I'm just gonna ignore it," Snot-lout said than asks. "Those flirting tips you gave me are for girls though right?" Snot-lout asks and Kai flashes a grin. "Works on both, but hey I ended up with three boys so can't be sure how effective on girls, but hey I also got plenty of girls in the past," Kai said with a grin and Snot-lout was unsure what to make of that. "Your a cheater! How can you date more than one person? That is wrong and indecent!" Astrid all but yells and everyone looked at her. "Astrid," Hiccup said disappointed in her attitude.

"Look blonde you have hated me since day one and this is all I am gonna say," Kai got right up to her and said. "I respect your commitment to my brother, but if you dare insult any of the family who has helped raise me I can promise you that I am not afraid to fight a girl," Kai said arms crossed and glaring at the girl who glares right back.

"What does being a girl have to do with anything?" Astrid asks and Zane helpfully supplies. "In Ninjago it is considered socially unacceptable to engage in combat with another of opposite gender," He said helpfully. "Well I've punched plenty of men so I'm not afraid to kick you to Niflehiem," Astrid said deadly.

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