Chapter 23 " Breaking"

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I've been quiet for a while and I'm thinking about what I'll do next and how I'm gonna do what I'm about to do.

Then I think about it... he said it. "you said finally.

yeah so?"

"as if you've been waiting for us, forever

so ? maybe I have "and write then Iknow he is serious and he means it.
I take a deep breath before saying " look I know it's hard... but what do u want to do?" I take his hand and intwine our fingers he looks at it and up to me " why does it feel like it's not just some middle school relationship but a real relationship " I don't know... maybe it's meant to be?" I ask but I know what he's getting at. I personally have never belived it rue love but with this
It feels real. which is why the next thing that I'm about to do is gonna be even harder

" look I meant what I said on the phone the other day" he looks even harder at me as if trying to figure out a puzzle in from of me.. while still hearing me out.

I continue " that we are both not fans of this long distance thing, and it hurts that I have to move and start a whole new life, but I still want to go... and that's why I think we have to.. let go" I let out a deep berth I guess I was holding.

" I don't want to but I can't handle this whole long distance thing ... but it's as if there is just something about you that is telling me to not let go.." I tech out fir him and cup his face in my hands, and I lean in closer and kiss him long and hard, keeping him from talking because then this will all be harder.

I pull away a look at him his face still in my hands " I'm sorry" he is about to say something but I beat him to it "It's fr the best" and in my heart I feel it is, like a can't love Someone unless I know who I am and accept my myself which is something I've always believed.

I let go and stand up only to walk away before he comes after. I've always hope something like that would happen to me, I boy comeing after me, but like this... I hope he doesn't... and he doesn't.

When I'm out if his view I start running, I know I can teleport but I feel like running and letting free, feeling the wind and I look up and see it's a sunset so it's probably like 5-6 o clock. I see the park ahead and a bench so I approach it and go see. I know what you might don't go there, it's dark! You don't know what creeps there are! Well I got powers so... yeah.

" hey" I hear I guys voice but not Jaden's.
I look up in surprise " oh look skylarks minion!" I say in sarcasm. He takes a seat next to me. My heart jumps a but at the gesture.. I'm a bit vulnerable, I'm powerful, an this guy is my enemy's boyfriend/ minion, and my heart is beating out of my chest both in a good and bad way... I don't know if sitting here was the right choice anymore.

Hey I know it's been a long time sine update but I've had writers block and this is as at as my ideas got... so sorry if it's short... also hope u have or had a great valentines day and remember you don't need a guy to be happy so for those of you who don't read the quote on the side... and " Life After " will be updated soon when I finish this story and enjoy my new covers for this book by Dreamycakess that You! Finally let's get the # of views up!

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