Chapter 11 "An Affair on Hold"

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i wake up in the morning almost a half hour before i am supposed to Wake up, to the sound of shouting, people yelling, and curse words.

" i cant believe you would do this to me! i though you were happy here with me, and what about our daughter!"

"look i am not happy every time i come to just say hi, you are always annoyed b me, and i care about Makayla! but the way you treat her is no different!"

" oh fuck that! You treat Makayla well! And we are talking about you! no wonder you always come home late and if you are here it's when i am not home!"

" Its not my fault i am here when you're not, and lets face it we are just not happy."

" Fine well you can find a way to her and our son!"

This is getting harsh, i put on my shoes and tip toe down stairs ro see what is going on between my parents.

" well if you're so unhappy then why don't you leave!"

" i thought you wanted me to tell them."

" oh screw that, go leave like you always do and leave me to do it all, I can't be here with you much longer!"

i go downstairs and finally am able to speak up

" what is going on? i woke up to the sound of shouting, and you guys better tell me cause i heard just about everything!"

" go ahead you want to tell her" my mother says to my dad. he rolls his eyes and takes a step closer to me and i stare at him"

" well... i am leaving for a while" i gasp

" because you're unhappy here, right?" i say to him

He nods and is interrupted by my mother " why don't you tell her why you're unhappy

my father looking ashamed and he opens his mouth to speak " I met someone else, and i am just not happy with your mother" i gasp and tears start dripping out of my eyes

" but i will always, always love you, no mater what" i shake my head and start to run upstairs. i can hear his footsteps race after me but i go to my bedroom and shut the door and lock, right before he reaches it.

"I'm sorry makayla, I'm sorry"

how could he do this, do this to me, my mother, our family?! He is having an affair. i get that he is unhappy, i mean understand but couldn't he talk to us, all of us before doing something like this.

All these thoughts race around my head and clouding around me, I feel so dizzy. I drop to me my knees and wrap my hands around them and sit on the floor and let my tears go down and let the sadness out, which i don't usually, for me it shows weakness, that is what my mother taught me. I hate that she tought me that because i am now unable to show my emotions and let them out.

before i know it, i am dialing Skylar's number and calling her, but it goes to her voice-mail, how can she not pick up it's only-

7:56 am- shit!

I start running around my room, looking for a good outfit to wear, after all if i am going to show a brave face,i have to look my best. I decide to go in a blank white t-shirt over is a dark denim jacket, with knee high jeans and some ankle high heel boots. i leave my hair loose but still quickly brush it and just put on a hair clip on the side, i gather my books and carry my book bag. i am trying to ignore my parents so i get my bag and cell phone and climb down the big tree outside but leave my bedroom door unlock. since my dad cleans by room i can't leave it locked, i know selfish, but hey he owes me!

i grab a tissue from by book-bag and dry my eyes which are puffy from crying, but ill wash off when i get to school.

when i get to school it's 8:21 am and am officially late!

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