Chapter 17 Music's in Her Heart

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I wont talk to much but as usual I own all lyrics in this chapter so hope you like it! Also there is an authors note at the end of the chapter read it and it is important I PROMISE! Finally this chapter includes Jaden's P.O.V  and goes back and forth between his and Makayla's, and she has a secret that she has just discovered about herself?! Enjoy!


Jaden P.O.V

I forgot something inside since my head was in the clouds and i couldn't help but stay in the corner and stare or see her go back inside, what? I wait for her to leave but she hasn't, i don't want to seem like i am stalking her, cause i am not, honest!

        I need to get to my folder, it has my homework in it, i start to slowly walk inside so it doesn't seem like i am rushing in there in case she comes out. That is when I hear the piano, a slow and soulful way and then i hear a hum. Is that her? I mean she sings great but I didn't know she can play. When we were in 5th grade we sat next to each other and she always used to test me on how much i knew her to see if i listened. It was a bit weird but cool and fun, and i used to ask and make her help me study or review for a test and i used to make her laugh. Thinking about those thoughts make me smile as much as I hate to say it.

        When I am about to enter i open my mouth to ask if anyone was hear, even though i know the answer. That's when I hear someone, a girl's voice singing, and a song I have never heard of before. I wonder if it is Madelyn she always liked to sing and try to make me smile but singing but after I really hear her voice and the way she played the piano I immediately knew who she was, and what she was singing about.

Makayla's P.O.V

        I heard him come in, i mean I'll admit he wasn't always the best "spy" ok fine he was the worst, he counld never scare me only when he tried really hard. 

        By the time I knew it was him I had already started singing, and I wasn't going to stop no matter how much the truth hurts. I had gotten Mr. Lockwood's permission to stay after school and to just work on my music and he agreed as long as he was here and he went to the cafeteria, even though it is against the rules.

         I had learned tp play the piano last year, but i had interest in it a while before and didn't lay my hands on it until the summer after 5th grade. I wanted to learn, seriously, so i can have music to my songs, and I loved the way it sounds in general.

I have been so confused lately about Jaden and my feelings toward him, especially after that kiss with him, though I don't regret it. I put my hands on the keyboard and start playing then later I start singing-

"Still healing my broken heart                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              feeling so depressed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         thought was over you" but my thoughts on the key and notes as i expand the high note.                                                                                                                                                                         "Thought i had no chance- so i gave up on you                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Thought it was over- had no feelings left                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or so i thought"

The Ups and Downs Of My Life!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя