Chapter 18 "An Announcement!"

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I go inside the house a little scared since this morning they announced that they were thinking or probably are getting separated or now that i think about it even divorced. Personally I dont blame them especially my mom, i mean no one, that i know of at least, would want to get cheated on. As much as I hate to say it my dad didn't really have a good exuce i mean i know my mom is a beep! Yet it is not a good reason to cheat and not to mention lie not only to her but to me!

Anyway as much as hate to do this i have to go inside, though don't thinki didn't think of going up the tree upstairs, because i considered it but also the consequences and questions that come along with using it. They don't know about it so that would mean giving up my secret cause I dont really have a good lie since they are in the kitchen so can't use the back door which is in the kitchen and the front door is to loud. Plus if they don't see me are hear me come in, they'll think I was out with a boy, which is'nt really a lie nor the truth because i was there after school like i usually and he just forgot something so stopped by, and we hung out, and kissed... but that's not the point!

I don't want my mom to find out about Jaden because she knows i liked him since i was stupid enough when i was little to tell her but she thought it was cute and blabbed it to the whole family, literally whole family, cousins, aunts,uncles, even grandparents UGH! Now she would think I am being idiotic and dumb! (rude much?!)

So I enter through the front and when they hear the front door open they immediately quiet down, finally! " hello! I'm home" I yell and both my parents walk to the living, with concern and sympathy on their face, okay?

" hello honey." my mom says and continues " we have something to discuss with you" she gestures toward her and dad never leaving my eyes. 'discuss' she said, okay not I know something is wrong i better sit down, and I do on the couch.

" okay what's going on?" i ask still concerned.

"well my dad says " we actually wanted to discuss with you that since we decided on getting separated... and divorced." he continues a bit confused because i give them no reaction, it's not really a surprise I already assumed it, so i just not my head and listen.

'so we wanted to know.." my dad says slowly but my mom quickly interrupts and says " If you would like to live with me in Boston or with your dad here" talk about ripping off a bandage mom! My eyes widen ad my jaw is practically on the floor, Boston?! Oh-my- GOSH! BOSTON! i want to scream from my top of my lungs and run upstairs but I am torn over how to feel.

on one hand, I am scared as hell, on the other hand i am also so excited because the houses there are like, awesome and I did want to move there for a while i mean Boston! .... Jaden! what about Jaden? We just got together and i really do like him, but obviously my mom can't know that.

I remain speechless and my mom speaks instead " look your dad wants and is going to stay here and he is going to get the house but I can't and won't stay, so i was thinking about Boston! What do u say a whole new start, and I know that you probably don't want to go with your friends here, skylar, and-"

" or if you really don't want to go then like your mother suggested you could stay here with me!" my father interrupts. I am so confused cause like I said I love it here and Jaden is here and let's be honest i am not a really big fan of ' long distance' and i doubt Jaden is_ shit! What about my 'powers' or whatever it is they are I just found ot and I don't know what to do about them.

"i don't know i got to think about this. It is all too much for me right now" i respond after what seems like an hour of this discussion. I keep looking at the floor avoiding any eye contact.

"well ok. When you come to a decision just let us know. Just so you know I am thinking of moving around the end of January." my mother informs mw and my mouth falls open and my mind still finding the words to used.

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