Chapter 20 " A Promise"

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Makayla's P.O.V

I still can't believe what I did in lunch today.. I feezed time! Though I still got soaked in exited milk and dirtied by hot spaghetti, which by the way I KNOW Skylar did on purpose, I'll get her back for this!!! But first...

" I don't know why she did this maybe, cause of the kiss, but just get me clean but enough so that no one will notice"

I snap my fingers and point to me, next thing I know I'm clean free but with some stains so that no one will be suspicious... works for me! I head to class after lunch and ignore Skylar for the ready of the day

" so you okay... you know what Skylar did?" Jaden asked me. We were waling down the block, only until I got 2 minutes away from my house, cause I don't want my mom to know I'm dating Jaden,she'll kill me, literally! Ok so maybe I was over dramatic, but still!

"yeah, just..."  I trail of thinking how to say what I need to next. I must have taken longer to reply because Jaden gave me a worried look.

"It's just..  what exactly did you see? When Skyar dropped her try on me." Jaden looked at me as though I lost my mind, but I didn't't, and he just answered my question with no comment.

"well I saw her let go of it and you trying t cover yourself and yelled 'stop!' But it was no use and it just spilled... exactly what everyone else saw." I wouldn't be too sure about that

"oh ok.. just what I thought" I replied smoothly so he won't get suspicious. we were closing in on my house, so I knew we had to part ways.

"well I need to go don't want my mom kicking you out and killing us!" 

"Yeah, bye, and I hope your okay about, you know this morning." 

"Yeah, I'll think about it. bye" I waved goodbye and then walking into the front door, but before I could even place my keys on the table, my mom yelled.

"Makyala Cassidy get in here" oh no, what can she want now, it was be bad she used my full name. I start walking into the kitchen.

"what what happened now-" but before I could finish, something stopped me in my tracks, someone who gave me a mischievous smirk, my EX best friend.

Skylar's P.O.V

"So anyways Mrs, C, I'm sorry to tell you that Makayla has broken one of your rules. I tell Makayla's mom putting on my most sincere and innocent smile.

She looks at me concern, Ha! Of course she would I'm a great actress!

"See the reason that you don''t see me that often is cause...well, Makayla is seeing someone" I blurt out

"what do you mean?" The  woman says now paying fully attention to the topic.

"well Maayla is not my friend, and it's because she is dating Jaden." I continue trying to keep my straight face on. " See I keep telling her to not see him, cause he is no good, but she refuses, and I know you wouldn't approve! And she knows that!"

She opens her moth to speak and she does." I can't believe this. I told her she cannot date anyone! Especially him, ugh. I know she had a crush on him since she was little, and I know he is a player. This all because you have a boyfriend, and she wanted to catch up with you"

Ok now I'm offended. I mean can you blame me for being  this beautiful. But whatever if it means, her mom will take her to Boston,  and leave me alone, AND keep away from Jaden then let it be.

" ok I'm sorry about that, and you're right I did not know what I was thinking! We are too young to date, inn fact I was going to break up with him. I told Kayla this but she won;t listen. Maybe you could do something about this?" In my defense I started dating Daniel cause he was cute- not as cute of hot (have you seen him) Jaden- but I'll admit it, I was using him to get over Jaden, but that came crashing down after Jaden showed up at the cafe. Plus it was way over what I found out that he kissed Makayla I mean seriously what do they see in her what is so special about her.

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