Chapter 27 Getting Strong

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The next two days past by in a blur all I knew was that I was getting stronger. Although I was happy to finally be reunited with my brother is was cut short due to him going to rehab. His last words to me before walking out that door was "don't worry it'll get better" I teared up but I got back o work.

After the whole incident with the necklace I've never taken it off... I know he gave it to you and tried to do something, but it protected me and somehow made me.. stronger? Once in a while while my mom went shopping for our moving I sneaked off in the backyard and practiced spells and strengthening myself. If I was alone for now then I might as well try and make some good out of it to make it easier when I go to Boston. One of the first things I tried were force Fields to hide me... so I can block the sight of me in case anyone sees me doing magic. However I can only activate it for total of 1 hour.

I also tried tricks as seen on tv and fortunately some worked. Like hand gestures as a shortcut in casting spells, to freeze, blow, or to move stuff like levitating ( or just to push people out of the way. Though my aiming needs work.) It's hard to learn on my own which makes this a challenge, but I hope I won't be alone for long.

Finally it was tomorrow when we moved to Boston and I was nervous yet excited.. so to sum it up anxious. It was the night before and I haven't heard from Jaden at all or Skylar and Daniel from the other night. My dad was out of town but would be back by the morning to say goodbye. I turned back to the empty boxes that were both on the floor and my bed. I turned to my book shelf to get some of my books.

I'll admit in the beginning I hated to read but I love it now in fact I actually like several and and read more challenging and my favorite is Too Kill a Mockingbird. Call me a dork but I don't care cause I embrace it and I hate how whenever people find out I'm in honors they treated me differently like I was too much of a nerd or was gonna treat them dumb cause I'll admit I don't get many good grades especially in elementary school which was what I hated most.

I picked up the book To Kill a Mockingbird and scanned to my favorite parts of Dill and Scout which I have bookmarked. I remembered how in 2nd grade I felt alone because I used to come home crying since used to have no friends and my mom comforting me. I hated how I was shy and less confident and in secured. I don't know how that popped into my head all of this sudden, probably of how alone I've been feeling.

I'll admit... I close the book and put it in an empty box, I've been feeling so alone and I have always known that my "parents" aren't really my parents. Their eyes were green and my mom had light brown hair and was pale. My dad had dark hair and a fair tone and my brother resembled them whereas I had darker brown hair with some natural lighter highlights and my skin was pale but not as pale as my mom, and I had lighter green eyes. I've had a theory that I was adopted but now I feel like there is more to this story.

I got up from my bed and started putting my books in the book, then my keyboard i put it in its own box with my microphones, and sheet music and labeled it Music. It was 10:20 and I was tired I heard my mom come in and yell hello but by that time I had already drifted off to sleep ready for what ever followed me 

Hey so I have decided that since this story s almost up to 800 hits that Ill update soon and that there are 1-2 chapters left thank you so much and if you loved this book that vote for it and lets get to 1,000 views by the end of this year or more we got time! The picture on the side is the necklace Juan gave Makayla so check that out and the next chapter will be longer promise!

BTW check out the books by Dreamycakess who made my cover I LOVE IT!

Read -Love Square - The Girll who Stands in The Rain- and D.e.s.p.i.s.e.d (my favorite!)

also sara123456789sara For Now (its amazing) and esmeg11 Why such a Miserable World and of course Tvboybands Love Struck and  we are writing the sequel together. Thank you and comment,vote, follow!

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