Chapter 21 " A Decision is Made"

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Katie! That's her name! She was the girl that I was taken. to by my spell when I needed to know if what I knew about magic is true.... She is the vampire! Her roommate is Elena. But something doesn't make sense here.

Why would she want to take. Why would Skylar want to take my powers, what is so special about them? I mean she has powers too, and why would the girl Elena be mad if I am near a this Katie girl anyways? I mean is there something special between me and her that something will happen. All I know now is that Skylar is jealous psycho bitch! That she wants to take not only my powers but my... Boyfriend? Jaden! Finally that there is something about this birthmark.... My heart, and this Katie girl I saw in my spell, and that I need answers!

First I need to reverse this spell that Skylar put on me... Here goes nothing, I'm not taking any risks though so I'm doing it the old fashion way.

" I don't usually do this and break promises but I didn't make it, it was her, so let's reverse this spell so I can get see Jaden and get answers from Skylar."

I snap my fingers and don't feel different but let's test it. I grab my phone and dial his number and press the call button yes!

" hello?" Jaden says

" Jaden!" I answer eagerly

" Makayla!" But is interrupted by my angry mother pounding on the door.

" Makayla?! Are you talking to Jaden in the phone ! I knew I made a mistake by trusting you!

Now open this door young lady! My mother shouts on the other side of the door.

"Jaden? " I saw to the phone in my hand.

" yeah!"

"Be right back!" I put him on hold and put the phone at the bottom of my pillow and unlock the Door wherpe my mother barges in, my I'm prepared!

"What do yo-"

"Roses and daisies they're your favorite flower, I'll make it up to you just forget everything that happened in the last hour!" I snap and point at her.

She seems lost for a moment there but talks " oh I didn't know you were home Kayla."

Wow what a nice peaceful tone.

" yeah I've been home for a while, I stayed after school for a while with Mr. Lockwood to work on a song on the piano for Monday." I lied.

" oh well that's ok. Anyways I wanted to ask if you've made a decision on Boston because if you're going we-"

" yeah I have " I cute her off Before she can continue. " I'm going with you, to Boston."

She smiles at me " really?" I nod " well then you better start packing by next week cause we are moving by the beginning of January."

" wait, I thought we were moving by the end of January"

" we'll so did I but the divorce papers came in earlier than expected so your dad is getting the house sooner than expected."

Damn so I have like what 3 weeks to say goodbye and leave everything and everyone behind.

I swallow before answering " ok then"

" ok, I'm just glad you are coming with me, now I have thinks to do like getting an apartment, and getting you into school. You might want to tell Skylar and the rest of your friends" and with that she leaves.

I take a deep breath and let it all settle in! Boston! My phone! Jaden!

I jump onto my bed and take out my phone which was underneath the pillow and quickly take him off hold.

"Hello?" I say

" hey I thought you left?"

" yeah well no. My mom came in so..." I trail off

" yeah I get it."

"Thanks" I say

" so I assume that it's about Boston?"

"Yeah" I take a deep breath " I thought about it and... I'm going"

He stays silent " oh ok, I get it."

"I'm sorry" I say

" it's okay." he speaks " but I have one question for you?"

" what?" I ask even though I already know what this is about.

"Well, what about us?" He asks seriously.

" well I assume that we are both not fans of the whole long distance thing."

" yeah well your right about that." he stays silent and I take I risk by trying to break it. " I'm sorry " Isay and I mean it. 

" it's okay. I mean you just want to be with your family" if only he knew, that I was a witch and that my ex- best friend is trying to steal bit only me but my boyfriend. And 

That there are vampires who I know nothing about but they know me and that one is down how connected to me, in a weird way. So I am really going to Boston to go look for answers.

" yeah" I simply reply

" so what about our performance that we are supposed to give at the end if the year?"

" I guess they're going to replace me and make you sing with someone else, or just replace us in total."

" well I don't mind cause I wasn't really I big fan of it." he continues " so when you moving?"

" the beginning of next month."

" so soon?" He nearly shrieks and j can tell us clearly in shock.

" yeah."


"Now I have a question?" trying to desperately change the subject.


" if I weren't moving... do you think we could have given us a real shot?" Honestly I've been wondering this for while. eve since us happened and here is my chance to get a straight answer.

" I don't know? Maybe? Who knows maybe well see each other again and give it a chance?"

" yeah I hope so." I say cause right then, right now... it's true.

Hello, hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for Jaden and Makyala btw their ship name is # Jakayla#  Also me and Tvboybands are already starting the book but will not be published until we finish our books, but don't worry there will be a preview, sneak peek. Finally thank you for those who have been reading my story from the beginning and there have been a huge increase in vews, like 50 more veiws than yesturday. Btw Kayla's birthday is soon, what wll she get? 

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