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"I trust you had a pleasant day young Corallus" Thor asked and I nodded enthusiastically

"Be-st day." I stated smiling brightly and I turned to Loki to see that he had tucked the flowers I gave him into his shirt pocket.

This reminded me of my collection of flowers that still lay on the coffee table and I immediately went to retrieve them, since I was still in my wheelchair. I grabbed the flowers and carefully lay them in my lap before sorting them out so that each daisy was paired with a clover flower and leaf I then wheeled my way back to the table.

I went around the table and placed the tiny bouquets next to everyone who hadn't had one yet, I gave the last bouquet to Peter which had a pink daisy instead of white and then moved back to my position between the gods.

Everyone had finished their meal by the time mine was ready but I didn't mind, I went into the kitchen and tore open the packet placing the six small mice in a bowl before taking it to my room since it was getting late.

Thor was indeed right, I much preferred the whole mice to the steak I had yesterday and they were much easier to eat.

After I finished the mice I went to place the bowl in the kitchen before bidding everyone, who were still up, goodnight.

I settled down under my heated blanket, noticing that my legs still felt a bit sore but brushed it off since the pain was manageable.

Halfway through the night I woke up feeling cold and the soreness of my legs had increased, I turned the small space heater on and increased the temperature of my heated blanket to the highest it would go before falling back to sleep.

When I woke up I was drenched in sweat? 'I didn't know I could sweat?' And my legs were in absolute agony, I tried to move them experimentally which only ended in more pain causing me to let out a scream which nearly shredded my vocal chords. My breathing picked up and tears ran like rivers down my face as I heard rapid footfalls headed in my direction. Seconds later a group of people burst into my room, their faces blurred by my tears and I let out a small whimper.

"God, its boiling in here. Kid what's wrong?" A voice I identified as Tony asked and I covered my mouth to muffle another scream as I used my other hand to point at my legs.

In an instant my covers were torn from my body and my sweatpants were removed, I heard quiet gasps from everyone in the room and let out a pained whimper as someone touched one of my legs.

I felt someone take my hand and I held it like it was a lifeline as a voice that sounded like Bruce spoke up
"I have no idea why this is happening his legs were healing just fine he shouldn't have gone into a self induced fever, of course this had to happen after Thor went back to Asgard, Loki do you have any idea what is going on?"

A voice came from right next to me and I assumed it was from the one holding my hand
"Unfortunately not doctor, unlike my brother my knowledge on lamias are very limited, I only know what we were told in storybooks. If we had a healer that was versed in the ways of magic they may be able to help but, I've never studied healing before."

The room went quiet for a second before both Tony and Bruce said in unison

"I'll call him." Tony said and I heard his footsteps leave the room

During the few minutes he was gone someone took my other hand and began to run their hand through my hair, I instantly recognised them as Peter when he started to whisper words of comfort whenever a let out a pained noise.

When Tony eventually reentered the room he told us that the doctor was on his way and that they needed to move me into the med bay. I caught some red blurs around me as I began to float so assumed that Wanda was using her power to carry me, the entire journey to the med bay the hands never let go of mine and Peter continued to comfort me while telling me what was happening.

When we reached the med bay someone was already there, I couldn't make out their face since my vision was too blurred but I could feel the magic radiating off of them, different to what I feel from Loki but not too different from my own.

I was placed on the operating table and a cloth was placed over my eyes as everyone except Bruce and the doctor were ushered out of the room, I whined as Peter and Loki left my side but they both promised that they would be just outside the door.

"Hello Mr Corallus I am doctor Steven Strange, I'm just going to take a look at your legs to see what the problem is." I heard the man say and nodded my head the best I could.

I felt magic encase my legs as he examined them and could hear the sound of Bruce organising medical equipment in the background as Strange asked him occasional questions about how he treated my legs and the severity of my injuries.

"Am I correct in assuming this isn't your true form? I can feel transformation magic radiating from you." I nodded my head as he hummed in thought.
"How long have you been in this form before" I shook my head
"Never?!" I nodded

I heard the sound of shuffling footsteps and a medical tray being moved.

"You need to change back immediately. Your body is trying to heal but doesn't know how to in this form so its attacking itself, Banner you need to remove his stitches now so he can change back safely." The doctor commanded and I'm assuming Bruce nodded since pain tore through my legs as I felt him cutting and removing my stitches before unwrapping the rest of the gauze.

Before I let my body change I motioned for the two to back up before removing my shirt and boxers. I took the cloth from my eyes and watched as my skin grew a green tint as my claws and fangs lengthened. I looked at my legs as they began to fuse together and the patches of scales began to cover the entirety of them. As my tail began to grow so did the rest of my body making the room appear to shrink. Both doctors moved against the wall to avoid being crushed as my body grew to a total of 17 metres with my tail making up 13 metres of my length. I noticed that the further along my transformation I got the less pain I felt until I was completely back to normal and my tail just felt a little sore.

I curled up, so that I took up as little space as possible, and smiled down at the two who looked at me in both shock and awe.

"I knew you were big but I didn't think you were that big." Bruce chuckled


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