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Dentra's 'human' form ^
(Did some editing but original image
not mine)

"I guess that'll do" Bruce said once he snapped out of the initial shock of watching a snake turn into a teenage boy and started rummaging through the medical kit. He grabbed some gauze and rubbing alcohol as well as a sterile needle and thread.

He started with the wounds on my neck and wrists, sterilising them before wrapping the bandages around, making sure the ones around my neck weren't too tight before moving onto my wrists and repeating the process.

He then asked if it was alright if he moved the blanket so he could work on my legs and I nodded in response, not really having any issues being naked since lamia rarely wear clothes and I never have before.

Both Bruce and Pietro cringed when he lifted the blanket to reveal the deep cuts and lacerations that covered my legs.
Bruce immediately got to work, sterilising all the wounds and wrapping the shallower ones before taking out the needle and thread.

"This could hurt quite a bit, I'm going to have to stitch up some of these wounds ok?" He brought the needle closer to me so I could examine it before nodding my head and he started to get to work.

I flinched when the needle first went into my skin but after that it hardly hurt, since lamia have a natural resistance to pain. When he was finished stitching, wrapping and cleaning my injuries Pietro gave me a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, which hung loose on my thin frame.

I tried to stand but immediately failed due to the pain and the fact that I've never used legs before so instead Pietro half carried me to one of the seats lining the sides of the plane, wrapping the blanket back around my shivering body, since I was still technically cold blooded and couldn't generate my own heat.

A few minutes later the three from earlier returned along with a robot? A girl with long hair and a man with a hammer. I clapped my hands to get Steve's attention and kicked my legs backwards and forwards while pointing at them.

"Dentra? You have legs!" He beamed at me and I beamed back, wiggling my toes which made him laugh.

I clapped my hands together again and pointed at Bruce then patted my legs and gave a thumbs up but Steve just looked at me in confusion.

Pietro chuckled before explaining "Bruce cleaned his wounds and fixed his legs up, I think he changed to look like this to make it easier for him."

I nodded at Pietro and looked back to Steve, flicking my tongue as the three people I haven't met yet came over and apparently the robot turned into a man.

The girl came up to me first and crouched in front of me
"Hello Dentra, my names Wanda, I'm Pietro's twin sister." I smiled at her and held out my hand and she shook it like I did earlier with Steve, except this time my hand was smaller than hers.

It was then that I noticed that I was smaller than everyone else in the room, at least by a little bit, which was slightly jarring since I was not used to being small.

Just then, Clint went to the front of the plane and told everyone to sit down as we took off and Wanda sat next to me so I was between her and Pietro. Steve sat across from me and waved as we started to move and I waved back before quickly covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut at the loud noise the engine made as we took off.

Suddenly I was wrapped in warmth as I was hugged from both sides by the twins, I hadn't even noticed until then that I was shaking, and focused on using their warmth to heat myself up instead of the deafening roar of the engine.

It wasn't long before the noise quietened down and we were allowed to move around, well everyone else anyway since I can't walk yet and Bruce said not to try since I could tear my stitches. So instead I stayed sat down humming a quiet tune as I tapped along against my legs and watched everyone else going about their conversations.

At some point Bruce came over and gave me some pills along with a cup of water which I chugged so quickly that he had to have another three before I was no longer thirsty, while this was happening Steve and Natasha were explaining my situation to the people I haven't met yet and Wanda.

I heard the man who used to be a robot ask if I made my name up since there is no name listed for me in the file just the words 'Project Boa'
I clapped my hands together to get their attention before shaking my head causing metal man to ask how I know my name.

I looked around for a second struggling to think of a way to communicate since I knew I wouldn't be able to talk anymore even if I tried due to the soreness in my throat. Eventually I had an idea and pointed the the file that the robot man was now holding, he came over and handed it to me and I mimed writing on it causing him to quickly ask if anyone had a pen.

Bruce handed me a pen and I began to scrawl on the back of the file with shaky handwriting.

"Dentra Corallus." Robot man read out "Is that your name?" I nodded in response.

"I'm Tony, Tony Stark." He told me and I held out my hand for him to shake he looked surprised for a second and then took it
"Polite little guy isn't he?" Tony remarked before ruffling my hair making me hiss at him, he put his hands up in surrender and walked away from me allowing the man, now without a hammer, to approach me.

"I am Thor Odinson" the tall man spoke with a voice like thunder and I smiled at him before holding my hand out.

But instead of shaking it he pulled me up into a bone-crushing hug before speaking quietly so no-one else could hear
"Its great to meet you, I've always been fascinated with lamias but never thought I'd actually get to meet one!" I smiled widely and hugged back, extatic that someone finally got my species correct.

"Okay Thor try not to crush the kid"

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