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"You have absolutely nothing to apologise for Dentra. Now let's get you out of this horrible place." He walked back towards the door but I stayed put, still warily watching the other two still in the room.

"Don't worry they aren't going to hurt you." Steve assured me so I slowly began to unfurl my nest of scales, wincing when I moved an injured area, and then cautiously made my way towards the door keeping my body low to the ground, the two new humans watching me intently the entire time.

I placed a hand on the doorframe and looked into the brightly lit hallway, giving my eyes a second to adjust. It was then that I noticed the owner of the third set of footsteps, it was a boy, probably not too much older than me, with hair the same colour as mine in a strange blue and grey outfit.

The look of shock on his face at seeing me was hilarious and, if the situation was different I would probably have laughed, but as it stands I was probably more terrified than him.

Apparently I was taking too long since Steve, and the woman he called 'Nat' walked out before me, Nat explaining the situation to the boy while Steve tried to coax me out.

I slowly moved to go through the door but, no sooner than I poked my head out the collar around my neck activated.

I shot back into the room, screaming and writhing in pain, causing my healing wounds to open again as electricity was forced through my body my vision was blurry from tears, and I could just about make out panicked voices over my screams. My vision cleared just enough for me to see an arrow being shot in my direction, and then everything stopped.

It was dark but the pain was gone.

When I woke up I immediately noticed that the collar was gone and that all four humans were standing around me, I was still in the same place as earlier so it probably hadn't been very long.

When they turned to me after seeing that I was awake I whimpered and curled into a ball, trying to make myself as small as possible, and surprisingly enough my body decided to follow my mind and I began to shrink until my torso was the size of a human's 'oh I forgot I could do that, I guess now the collar is off my powers aren't restricted anymore'

"Dentra how're you feeling?" Steve asked

"H-hurts" I managed to croak out

"I know it does buddy but as soon as you get out we can get you patched up."
I nodded and slithered towards the door, waiting for my eyes to adjust before leaving the room.

The others following me out with the boy staring at me in awe, I tapped Steve on the shoulder and pointed at the other three, tilting my head slightly in an attempt to get my point across.

He nodded in understanding and pointed at the three as he told me their names "Thats Clint, Natasha and Pietro, there are more of us here but they're busy clearing out the base"

We continued through the base, with the sounds of gunfire and shouting getting louder the further we went, one particularly loud bang shook the room making me squeak in fear and involuntarily shrink, my humanoid features vanishing as I changed completely into an emerald tree boa (Image at top)

'This is just great, since my powers have been blocked most of my life I have hardly any control over them' I tried my best to follow the others, flicking my tongue out every few seconds as I struggled to keep up.

Pietro noticed and stopped to wait for me to catch up, before lifting me off the ground and carrying me in his arms. I looked up at him and tilted my head slightly in confusion.

"Its not nice being left behind. Plus I like snakes." He explained as we caught up to the rest of the group.

"I'm going to go ahead and take Denty back to the jet." He told the others, Steve held a hand up as a signal to wait, and pressed a finger against the side of his head.

"Got Quicksilver coming with a patient for you Dr Banner." He said to thin air. Then, without waiting for a response told Pietro to be careful before our surroundings blurred and in a few seconds we were on a plane with a curly haired man with glasses.

"Hey Bruce I've got you a new patient"
Pietro said holding me towards the dark haired man like simba

"Is that a snake? Pietro I'm not a vet." Bruce said looking me over as he crossed his arms

"He's not a snake he's Dentra!" Pietro exclaimed and I hissed and wrapped my tail around his arm as he held me towards Bruce who leaned back slightly

"It doesn't change the fact that I'm not a vet, I only have experience working on people." I hissed at him and he backed up slightly as I slid down Pietro's arm and onto the floor.

I stayed still as I focused on the image of my half snake lamia form (the smaller one of course since I don't want to crush them) and my body began to grow and change until I was back in my familiar, if slightly smaller, form.

But I didn't stop there, I remembered the scientists said about me having a third form, so I closed my eyes and focused on the image of my tail turning into legs and when I opened my eyes again there were two pale ivory legs in place of my green tail, with a few patches of green scales on them but otherwise human.

I looked down at my arms and saw that they had also lost their green tint, although my claws were still sharp and long, random patches of green scales littered my body. I flicked my tounge out and noticed it was still forked, I brought my hands to my ears and they were still slightly pointed 'not entirely human then' I thought noticing I kept a few of my serpentine features.

Suddenly a blanket was thrown over me, making me notice that I was naked the entire time, and I smiled shyly at Bruce and Pietro.

"I guess that'll do"

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