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Hello, it's been a while sorry about that. This chapter may not be as good as the previous ones since I am trying to get back into the swing of things, ty for sticking with me and enjoy!

I have also changed the perspective of this fic to third person since I find it easier to write in, so please let me know what you think!


"What is he doing?" The group refocused their attention on the large naga who had, somehow silently, maneuvered into a completely different position.

Dentra had now curled his long body into a hammock like shape on the branch, folding his arms and resting them on his coils with his head laying atop them. Despite the thickness and evident strength of the tree, it still bowed under the great weight that it was being forced to hold, leading to the tip of the naga's tail dipping into the water slightly.

The giant's chest slowly rose and fell in a relaxed pattern as he dozed and absorbed the heat from the afternoon sun. Dappled light coming through the gaps in the branches providing enough heat to slowly warm his temperature after the dip in the cool river water.

"Oh I remember this from the pictures he showed me!" Peter quietly, but no less excitedly, exclaimed
"In those pictures he was a snake, a boa I think, and was all curled up on a branch like that! The place he was in didn't have much space though, way too small for a snake that size and-"

Peter stopped as a hand was placed on his shoulder, looking over to see Bruce press a finger to his lips and point at the goliath on the other side of the river. Turning his head, Peter's breath caught slightly as he saw that Dentra was wide awake. The naga had now propped himself up on his arms and was lazily watching the group with thinly slitted eyes.

The gathering froze as Dentra began to shift his coils, causing the tree limb to creak and sway in protest, as he tested the branches to see which could hold his weight. Dentra slowly reached out his hand and grabbed onto the nearest tree that could support his weight, grabbing it with both hands once he was secure and heaving himself up onto it.

The naga carefully navigated through the canopy to get across the river without having to take another dip in the cool water. Once reaching the other side, Dentra carefully coiled around the trunk of the tree and used it to make his way back to solid ground. He placed his hands on the ground and used his arms to prevent his torso from scraping the muddy ground as he lowered himself next to his group of observers.

Tasting the air a few times and tilting his head the lamia grinned at the group "Done now, thank you."

Peter was the first to react, coughing into his fist before speaking,
"Are you ready to go back now? I think we might have some towels we can use to dry your hair if you like?"

Dentra nodded in response as he continued to lower himself to the ground, keeping closely coiled to not force the others into moving.

"Race you back!" Pietro yelled, breaking the silence as he suddenly vanished in a silver streak making Wanda screech in offence and sprint full speed in the direction he went.

Bruce sighed like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, although if you looked at his face you would notice a slight smile on his lips before he began to walk back the way they came.

Peter turned to look up at Dentra who was watching the others intently
"could I um, catch a ride?" He asked before quickly looking away
"If not that's fine I totally understand-"

He was cut off by the feeling of a gentle tap on his shoulder, looking up to see Dentra smiling down at him with a hand held out
"Climb o-on"

"Are you sure?" Peter asked only to be given an enthusiastic nod in response.

Taking this as the permission it was, Peter chambered up onto the offered hand and from there climbed onto Dentra's shoulder, sitting down as soon as he was stable.

Throughout this the naga was as still as a statue and, once Peter was sitting, moved a hand up to gently hold his legs in place

"Go whenever you feel like it, and don't worry about me falling, I'm sturdy and I've got grippy hands"
Dentra muffled a snort at that but began to move across the ground anyway, extremely slowly at first but eventually moving at a more moderate pace once it was obvious Peter wouldn't fall.

The change in speed caused Peter to brace himself more, letting out a slightly breathless laugh as he saw how effortlessly the naga wove between the trees.

They quickly passed Bruce and could see through gaps in the trees that both Pietro and Wanda were waiting for them back on the blanket, seemingly wrestling.

As the three approached the twins quickly separated from each other, looking the picture of innocence as Dentra and Peter emerged from the treeline, closely followed by Bruce.

The scientist approached the blankets and stood with with his hands on his hips,
"Alright, let's get these folded and inside in case it rains."

The twins agreed and got to work, occasionally arguing over how to fold the blanket as Peter hopped down from Dentra's shoulder, who panicked slightly before Peter landed safely and shot him two thumbs up.

The group was quickly distracted from their activities when the front doors opened and a group of people walked out. The group was led by Tony and Loki, with Steve and Bucky directly behind them and flanking Doctor Strange.

"What is he doing out here?"


Reminder to everyone that I have an updates book where I post updates and previews to possible new works,

Thanks for reading

~ Axel

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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