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"Would you like us to get a mirror put in your room?" I nodded enthusiastically and lowered myself back into the wheelchair.

They took me back to my room, waving to the others as I went past, and asked if I wanted them to close the curtain I shook my head no and settled down under the covers while Pietro turned on the heated blanket. Bruce turned off the lights and they both left the room as I quickly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling rested and comfortable, an unfamiliar feeling but a welcome one. I sat up and noticed that a fresh set of clothes had been left on my bed, made up of a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants and black boxers. I took off my top and pulled the t-shirt on before looking at the pants and underwear 'I have no idea how to put them on.'

But I wouldn't let that stop me so I pulled off my old sweatpants before picking up the boxers and examining them, after struggling for a minute I managed to successfully pull them on, with only two failed attempts might I add, and started to work on the sweatpants.

I got them about halfway on before realising I was stuck, my feet weren't out the other end and everytime I'd try to pull them up more I would get stuck because I can't put weight on my legs. I groaned in annoyance and flopped back on the bed, silently cursing whoever invented pants I looked up when I heard someone walking down the corridor and frantically clapped my hands to get there attention.

A few seconds later Tony peeked his head through my doorframe and chuckled slightly at my defeated state, I sent him a pleading look
"H-hel-help p-pl-ease" I croaked out and he walked to the side of the bed with his hands on his hips

"Are you stuck?" He asked teasingly and I nodded my head
"Well how did you get them on before?"

"P-Pie-t-ro" I mumbled he sighed and began to pull my feet through the leg holes and lifted my back slightly so I could pull them the rest of the way up.

"There you go, now you're free!" Tony chuckled as he helped me into the wheelchair

On the way to the main room Tony told me that a friend of his around my age was coming to stay with us for a few weeks during 'vacation', whatever that means, and would be taking the room across from mine.

He brought me into the kitchen and I went to sit next to Thor again for breakfast, we had bacon and eggs so I could eat the same thing as everyone else and everyone on the table chatted as we ate, all except for me and the black haired man from the day before who was quietly reading a book on one of the armchairs.

The conversation eventually died down and a few people left the table to go about their days with Steve coming up to me with the twins and asking what I would like to do today

"Out-outside?" I asked
"We can go outside if that's what you'd like" Pietro said and I nodded

"Where outside do you want to go?" Steve asked and I pointed at the green lawn that could be seen through the glass front doors.

"He was staring at it when we were heading towards the building yesterday." Wanda explained and then she and Pietro took me outside while Steve went to 'train'

They stopped my wheelchair just before the grass and Wanda lay down a blanket as Pietro picked me up with one arm under my legs and another behind my back, being careful not to pull on my stitches as he brought me over and set me down on the blanket.

I shivered slightly since I was still only wearing a t-shirt so Pietro, very kindly, gave me his sweatshirt then went inside to get some more blankets as Wanda went to get some lemonade and snacks for them and water for me. While I waited for them I rolled off the blanket and lay down in the grass, closing my eyes and basking in the sun.

The sound of tyres on gravel and a car door slamming made me open my eyes and lean up on my elbows to see who it was. I flicked my tongue out a few times as I saw a boy about my age pulling a suitcase with a backpack slung over one shoulder walking towards the glass doors.

He seemed to sense me looking at him since, just before he reached the door, he turned around and looked directly at me and waved, I sat up fully and waved back before he disappeared into the building as Pietro and Wanda left, wearing different clothes than they were earlier.

I blinked and Pietro was in front of me with bundles of blankets in his arms, he placed them down before picking me up and putting me back on the blanket, then placed one of the blankets over my legs and another around my shoulders.

"I'm so sorry Dentra but we've been called out on a mission." Wanda explained, crouching down to my height  and I smiled and patted her hand to let her know it's okay
"We might not be back until later tonight, but Tony said that Peter will hang out with you until then, plus Loki, Sam and Vision are here too in case of any trouble." She reassured me

"I w-will ok-okay" I reassured them and waved them off in a shooing motion
"Go b-bye" I croaked out and waved as they reluctantly walked away from me.
'I have no idea who any of those people are.' I thought as I watched their retreating forms.

A few seconds later, Tony left the building with the boy from earlier and said a few things to him before they both walked closer to me, the boy looked at me with curiosity while Tony just smiled at me.

"Den this is Peter, that good friend I told you about Pete, this is Dentra." I held my hand out and Peter shook it while Tony watched us like a proud father.
"Okay so ground rules; don't let Dentra talk to much and if he tries to stand don't let him, his wheelchair is by the path so you'll have to carry him to it if he wants to go back inside, don't go to the other side of the compound and Pete, don't go into my workshop."
Peter groaned and I rolled my eyes
"Alright I've got to get going, any questions and you can ask Friday, see you." Tony said as he started to walk off

"See you later Mr Stark!"

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