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"See you later Mr Stark!" Peter yelled and I waved as Tony's robot suit formed around him and he flew off.

After a few minutes of silence Peter turned to me with a look that somehow held both nervousness and excitement
"So what's it like living with the Avengers?"

I gave him a confused look and tilted my head as he sat cross-legged on the blanket next to me
"Av-Aven-gers?" I asked

"Yeah! You know earth's mightiest heroes!" I kept giving him a confused look "The people who live here" he pointed at the building "That's the name of the group"

I nodded in understanding and gave an 'oh' face before putting my thumbs up
"Th-They nice, I-I th-think som-e sc-scare th-ough"
I croaked, quite proud of myself for getting through such a long sentence.

"Some of them scare you? Who?" Peter asked but I only shook my head and pointed to myself, his eyes widened as he seemed to put the peices together
"But why would they be scared of you? You seem super nice."

I smiled at the compliment before my expression faltered slightly, I turned to Peter and pointed at my ears and eyes then I rolled up one of my sleeves to reveal the patches of scales and sharp claws before finally flicking my tongue out.

His expression of shock turned into one of awe and excitement
"Woah that's so awesome dude! Are you like part snake or something?" He asked with exited curiosity, I tilted my hand from side to side as if to say sort of.

He then began to bombard me with questions, which I gladly answered the best I could with nods and hand gestures. He told me about how he met Tony and his friends and aunt May he also talked about school and told me how he got his powers.

It was now the afternoon and Peter was laying on the blanket while I picked some nearby daisies and clovers and attempted to weave them together
"So how did you end up here?" Peter asked after a few minutes of silence, I put down the flowers and rolled over so I was facing him

"H-hydra, St-Steve foun-d" I tried to explain and his eyes widened

"They rescued you from Hydra!?" Peter exclaimed and I nodded solemnly

"Was big-ger a-am no-w sm-sma-ll" I attempted to explain trying to use hand gestures to help, but that seemed to only make him more confused

"Sorry, but I don't think I understand." He apologised and I thought for a minute before coming up with an idea

"Inside, I show!" I yelled although it really only sounded like normal speaking volume

"You want to go inside?" He asked and I nodded excitedly
"Alright then let's go." He said and stood up before offering his hand to pull me up.

I gave him a look as if to say "really?" And pointed at my legs before pointing at the wheelchair on the path. Peter facepalmed and moved over to my side to pick me up
"Sorry, I forgot- whoa you are so light!" He exclaimed as he picked me up and I let out a hiss like laugh as he carried me over the grass and back to my wheelchair.

"W-wait flow-ers" I said pointing to the blanket before he started to walk towards the door, he looked at me and then the grass then walked over to the blanket and picked up the small collection of flowers I had gathered and handed them to me as I smiled gratefully. I placed the flowers carefully in my lap before wheeling myself inside as Peter held the door open.

I waved to the people in the main room, the two at the kitchen counter waved back and the black haired man with the book just raised an eyebrow as I zoomed past with Peter following behind me.

I stopped when we reached the curtain that led to my room and pulled it aside before wheeling into the room
"I was wandering whose room this was" Peter stated as he looked around
"It looks just like a rainforest" he said in awe

I went over to the only shelf in the room and picked up my file from it and handed it to Peter who was now sitting on the bed
"N-no read pl-please, on-ly pictures." I mumbled, glad that my hoarse voice and broken English masked my nervousness over the fact that he might hate what he sees.

The first picture when he opened the file was me in my snake form

He looked at me confused until I pointed at myself and then the picture and his eyes widened in shock

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He looked at me confused until I pointed at myself and then the picture and his eyes widened in shock.
"That's you!?" He exclaimed and I nodded nervously "so cool" I heard him say under his breath which made me smile.

The next few pictures were me in my true form at multiple stages of my life, all with a handler next to me for size reference, Peter's eyes widened as my height matched that of the handlers and his jaw opened slightly as the next three pictures showed that I continued to grow afterwards until he reached the most recent picture, taken three weeks ago on the day when I tried to eat my handler

The next few pictures were me in my true form at multiple stages of my life, all with a handler next to me for size reference, Peter's eyes widened as my height matched that of the handlers and his jaw opened slightly as the next three pictures sh...

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He held the photo in both hands for a few minutes, just staring at it.
Eventually he swallowed thickly and looked at me
"S-so is this what you normally look like?" He asked and I nodded, he went quiet again and looked back at the picture
"I see what you meant when you said you were bigger now." He chuckled and I visibly relaxed

"But seriously dude this is so awesome! My friend Ned would love you." He exclaimed and I smiled before gently taking the file from him and placing it on my lap underneath the flowers.

"Do you..." Peter started and I nodded at him telling him to continue "Do you think you could show me... as long as you're comfortable with it of course." He stammered and I placed a hand on his knee to calm him down

"W-will when I heal" I explained and rolled up one of my pant legs to reveal the fresh gauze wrapping them and he flinched slightly

"Is.. is that why you're in the wheelchair?"

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