21| Regret

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Chapter 21: Regret (Ella's POV)

I locked the bedroom door, sitting on the edge of the bed and trying to catch my breath. I fell back, constantly wiping my cheeks, trying not to cry. I grabbed a pillow, muffling my scream in it. I felt a sob racking through me and it angered me more. At myself. 

Why am I this upset? 

I mean, I understand getting angry and upset and the fact that this is happening, but I did not think it would be so hurtful. I sat up, wiping my cheeks dry, trying to stop crying but it was not working whatsoever. I stood up, walking to the bathroom, grabbing my hair tie, and throwing my hair up in a high ponytail. 

I splashed cold water over my face and dried it off before grabbing all the necessary things, the ones I used on a daily basis, and threw it in the bag that I used for our honeymoon. I sniffled, grabbing a t-shirt and sweatpants. 

I went behind the screen rather than using the bathroom, the door was locked regardless. I unzipped the dress with a struggle, but as I expected, I could not reach the button. I groaned, trying again but it wasn't working. I could feel hot tears streaming down my face again but I was determined to ignore them. 

I was lost in my own head, thinking of everything that just occurred, which is why I did not realize that Nicholas came back into the room. I did not even realize that he was standing behind me until he gently pulled my arms away from the button and then unbuttoned the dress for me. I froze, tears still running down my face. 

"Ella," he whispered. 

"Fuck off," I said, grabbing my clothes and getting out from the other end, rushing into the bathroom. I threw the dress off and pulled my pajamas on, folding up the dress and putting it on the counter while I stood there, resting my elbows on the counter, letting out a breath before splashing some more water onto my face. I heard a lock click before the bathroom door opened. I ducked my head down, turning it the other way. 

"You forget I have a key to every room in this palace. Including bathrooms." He placed the key on the counter in front of me. 

I took a shaky breath, turning to him. "When I am leaving every single room that you are in, do you not understand that I do not want to be around you?" I asked, annoyance vivid in my voice. 

"Do you not understand that this is my palace?" 

I chuckled dryly, shaking my head. "Of course, your highness. My apologies," I smiled sarcastically, grabbing the dress and hanging it back up in the closet. I will not be taking all my clothes with me, I am sure the king-to-be can arrange for that to be sent back to Velaris. "I want my own room," I turned to him. 

"This is our room." 

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I will not share a room with you. So, either you give me a spare room, or you go back to yours," I demanded. 

"I am not leaving this room." 

"Then I am," I retorted. 

He let out a low breath, seeming frustrated. What the hell is he frustrated about? After what he just did? "I will go, okay?" He put his hands up in surrender. 

"Why thank you," I said sarcastically. He gathered his things and then left. I cannot wait to leave tomorrow morning. 

"Ella! Ella, sweetheart!" I turned around, seeing Mrs. Williams rushing over to me while I had my bag being put into the car trunk, the next morning. "Sweetheart, this is unnecessary, listen now, honey. A husband and wife do not always get along. Talk through it, please," she pleaded. 

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