9| Fiance

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Chapter 9: Fiance (Ella's POV)

Just like we did last night, we walked up our staircase, one that was similar to the Williams', and stopped under our gold chandelier that was little with diamonds. He once again had his mother with him and I had my father. She handed him the ring and he turned to me. 

I stuck my right hand out and he slipped it on very gracefully and then I did the same when it was my turn. Everyone sitting under us applauded just like they did last night, but there was still no kiss. When we both turned to the front, to give everyone a smile and have a picture taken, he took me by surprise and planted a kiss on my cheek. I turned to him in shock. 

"What?" he whispered. "You're my fiance, I can do that now." 

I nudged his ribs with my elbow before we went back downstairs. The small difference between last night's engagement party and tonight's is that first, he kissed me on the cheek but it still counts. And two, at their palace, dancing was something only a limited number of people were doing and it seemed very optional. Not here. It's a tradition in our family for everyone to dance at these parties. Something about bringing life to the party. It's more of a tradition in Velaris. 

"Ella and Nicholas, you two must start the dance by being the first couple," my mom said. 

"I thought that's merely for the wedding?" he frowned in confusion. 

"It's a tradition in Velaris for everybody to share at least one dance with their partner at each of these ceremonial parties, and mostly, the bride and groom are to open," she explained. 

He turned to me, still confused. "It's tradition," I shrugged. He hesitantly agreed. I placed my hand in his and we walked to the middle of the giant ballroom while the music picked up. "I thought you used to dance, why are you so nervous?" I chuckled. 

"Waltz? When did I say I used to waltz?" he asked. 

"It's not that bad, Nicholas," I smiled. "I'm sure in your four years of royalty, you've waltzed with many women." 

"Surprisingly, the number stays limited. I'm not much of a casanova, love," he scoffed. He grabbed my right hand in his while his left arm went around my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder. 

"Yet you know how to work your charm?" I arched a brow at him. 

"You don't have to be a flirt to be charming," he smirked. 

"I can see that," I chuckled. "But sometimes," I lowered my voice as his eyebrows perked up in intrigue. "It's appreciated," I whispered. 

He stared at me in amusement, "Are you asking me to flirt with you, Ella?" 

"That depends, are you saying yes or no?" 

He chuckled, pulling me closer, his lips by my ear. "I'm saying yes," he whispered. 

I chuckled, "Fantastic. But..." 

"Oh no," he mumbled. 

"The song is over," I said, pulling away to look at him. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth while softly shaking his head at me. I laughed, taking my curtsey and then turning to walk away while many other couples took their partners and began waltzing. I thought I was about to get away with the last word but instead, Nick grabbed my hand and pulled me back. 

My breath hitched in my throat while he pulled me against his chest, one arm going back around my waist, the other hand taking mine. A smile started tugging at my lips and I couldn't suppress it. "What are you doing?" I questioned. 

"I have every right to dance with my fiance." 

"And your fiance has every right to refuse." I shot him a pointed look. 

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