12| Knife

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Chapter 12: Knife (Nicholas' POV)

The days in between flew by and tonight is the rehearsal dinner. Tomorrow is the wedding. 

I'm getting married to her tomorrow. Whoa. 


I looked up from the table where I was sitting with my dad, trying to understand the accounts of our previous council board. My mom called me over. 

"I'm trying to teach him some things he should know as the next king, Rebecca," my dad sighed. 

"You can teach him another time. I need the groom." 

I stood up with a sigh, following my mother out of my father's study. "Yes?" I asked. 

"Someone is here for you." 

I looked at her in confusion. She gestured to the backyard and I clicked my tongue in frustration, jogging outside. I opened the doors, seeing Ella standing there, speaking to our gardener. "Ella?" 

She spun around, smiling widely and squinting at the sun. "Hello!" She waved enthusiastically. 

I walked over to her and she did too, meeting me in the middle. "What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Your mother called me." 

"What?" I looked at her in confusion. 

"Yes, I did. So, technically she isn't here to surprise you," my mom chuckled, walking over to us. "Let's have a seat, I need to speak to you both. Together." We headed to the table which was luckily already under the shade of two huge umbrellas. Ella and I sat on one side with my mother opposite us. "You two are getting married tomorrow. And tomorrow night, you, Ella, will be moving to live with us here." 

Ella nodded in response. 

"Now, if I had a little more control over things, you wouldn't be coming here." Ella looked up, surprised, and somewhat hurt. "Nicholas would be living with you permanently in Velaris." 

"Oh," Ella said dumbfoundedly. 

"Unfortunately, that is not possible." 

"Why would that be better, Mrs. Williams?" Ella questioned. 

My mother sighed, "I'm a little concerned for your safety." Ella listened intently. "You are an intelligent girl, Ella. You understand that not everybody will be happy with this marriage and our kingdoms building an alliance, correct?" 

"Correct," she nodded. "But we all know it's important for both kingdoms." 

"Yes," my mom agreed. "We know that, but other people may not know or understand that. I understand that Benjamin and your mother have both spoken to you about bringing in the next heir, have they not?" 

Ella glanced at me. 

"I did not tell her," I whispered. 

My mom chuckled, "Indeed, he did not tell me. I'm taking a guess." Ella slowly nodded. "Well, I will sit here and tell you... do not have a child until you want to." 

"How come you say that, mother?" I asked. 

"Nicholas, nobody in royalty is ever so selfless. We all are a little selfish inside. That includes your father. When a king and queen have a child, they become vulnerable until their child has grown up. Their child becomes their weakness. But here, something is not sitting right with me." 

"About?" Ella questioned. 

"About your marriage. I don't think it was arranged for the right reasons on Benjamin's part and I don't think it is your child that would become vulnerable. I don't love him, but I know him. He's scheming something. I just want you two to be very careful and think about your next move on every step of the way." 

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