23| Hiding

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Chapter 23: Hiding (Ella's POV)

"Can we play hide and sheek?" Nick and I looked down at Aiden. We are watching him for the day because his parents have work in Meralith. 

"Sure," I shrugged. 

"And tag," he added. 

I looked down at my heels before kicking them off and putting them away. "Sure," I grinned. 

"Nicholash is it!" he laughed. Nick sighed, staring at him, acting offended. 

"His rules," I shrugged, standing up and taking Aiden's hand. "Give us two minutes." 

"All right," Nick sighed. "One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi." 

I ran out with Aiden, letting him run in front of me so I could grab him if he was about to fall. "Way do we go?" he whispered. I picked him up, taking him downstairs, slowly opening the door to the library and taking him inside. The library is huge, hiding here is the best idea. He can't find us and if he does, we have the entire room to run. 

I set him down and he ran to the very back of the room. I laughed, following him and standing in the very corner with him. We stayed there for a long time and I listened to him talking about Spiderman. He is an adorable child, I love him. We both stopped talking, shushing each other when we heard the door open and close loudly. 

He started giggling silently and clamped his hand over his mouth. "Shh!" I whispered, trying not to laugh. The footsteps got louder as someone appeared in front of us very suddenly. We both screamed, jumping upon seeing their butler. I sighed, leaning my head back, and letting out a laugh. 

"Oh, dear," he chuckled. "I am very sorry, your highness. Please, continue," he laughed, turning around and leaving. We stayed hiding. 

"Do you wike shpidy?" he mumbled. 

"Yes, of course, I do. Spidy is-" I stopped, my smile falling when I heard the door opening again. 

We shushed each other again, looking up when Nick showed up, smiling. "Two seconds to run," he smirked. 

I nudged Aiden gently, "Run, run, run!" I laughed. Aiden ran as fast as his little feet could carry him while Nick blocked my way. "Nick," I said warningly, trying to run the other way. 

"Ella," he said mockingly, trapping me against him and the shelf. I leaned my head back against it, sighing in defeat. "Aiden, I am coming for you!" Nick yelled without letting go of me. 

"What are you doing?" I whispered with a smile. 

"I have a lot of making up to do. I am taking the first step," he smirked, leaning closer. 

"You are not allowed to kiss me," I reminded him. 

"I am allowed to kiss my wife," he smirked, leaning in. I turned my head the other way, causing his lips to land on my cheek. He sighed, pulling back and grabbing my chin, turning me to look at him. 

"No, no, no," I sang, letting out a chuckle. 

"No?" he whispered, leaning in, holding my chin in place. 

"Mm-mm," I shook my head. 

"No?" he smirked, his lips barely brushing against mine. 

I grinned, my eyes trained on his lips the way his were trained on mine. I chuckled, putting my hands on his chest to push him off. He threw my hands off. I did it again. Then he threw them off again. "Nicholas," I said threateningly. "Step away," I smiled. 

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