24| Love

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Chapter 24: Love (Nicholas' POV)

"I still want an answer, Nick," she sniffled, looking up at me. 

"What is your question?" 

"Why am I the only princess you saw yourself loving?" I stared at her in confusion. "Look, you have been royalty for four years, I have for three. When we both came into this, we were of age, so undoubtedly, I am not the first princess who was offered to you for marriage. Truth be told, you are not the first prince that was offered and asked for my hand in marriage. You... never felt this with anyone else?" 

She is telling the truth. Generally, when you turn of age in royalty, the marriage proposals start pouring in. There was a time when only the prince and his family would ask for a princess' hand in marriage, but not anymore. Even some princesses come and ask along with their families. Therefore, I have had many princesses and their families come to visit us, asking for me to marry their daughter, but I have never agreed to any of them. And my parents never pressured me to, probably because it was not benefiting my father in any way. Selfish prick. 

But now, when it came to Ella and Velaris, it was best for him. It was two birds with one stone. A grandchild as the next heir as well as power over Velaris. Knowing this now, it was pretty evident that I was just a pawn in his game. He wanted to use me for obtaining that power, but what power does he have when I am the king? 

"I have, without a doubt, gotten proposals for marriage, but I promise you, I have never felt a connection like this with any other princess. Only you," I answered truthfully. "And I like you, Ella. Really, I do. I want you. I want to love you. In fact, I want to be able to say 'I love you' but we cannot move that fast, do you disagree?" 

She slowly shook her head. 

"We can say that when we mean it. But love... I happen to think we are not ready for it just yet." 

"I agree, we are not ready for it just yet, but does that mean we cannot feel it?" I stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate. "I mean, just because we know in our minds that it is somewhat wrong to dive headfirst into love, we know that. But does that mean we cannot feel it? In our hearts?" 

"No, absolutely not. If we love each other, we love each other. Nothing else is relevant." 

"So, what if I told you that I love you?" I just stood there, dumbfounded. "Would you say that you love me back?" 

I stuttered, very confused. "A-are you saying you do love me?" 

She hesitantly shook her head, "I do not know for sure," she admitted. 


"I mean I-" 


"I think I might," she shrugged. I raised my eyebrows at her in surprise. "I think I might be in love with you," she mumbled. I stared at her, processing her words. "You do not have to say it back, you are not obligated to do so, but tell me when you do. Fair?" I nodded absentmindedly. "I should go," she whispered, side-stepping me and heading out while I stood there like an idiot. 

I snapped out of it, running to the door before she got there and closing it just as she pulled it open. She jumped, looking at me in confusion. "You... you love me? You are just going to say that and then walk out?" 

"What do you mean? We just agreed you are not obligated to feel the same way. Nick, whether we like it or not, this marriage was not planned. Luckily, we saw something in each other, felt something for one another. But that does not mean we have to move at the same pace," she chuckled. "Maybe I love faster than you, that is okay. Is it not?" 

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