27| Trust

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Chapter 27: Trust (Ella's POV)

It was now the next day, currently, six-thirty pm and the ball starts at seven. I'm nearly done getting ready and poor old Nick has been waiting for god knows how long. He was bored earlier and thought it would be a wise decision to get ready earlier. Now, he's ready with nothing to do. 

"Ella!" he sang while I straightened the last section of my hair. 

"Nick!" I called out mockingly. 

My eyes met his in the mirror while he walked over, standing behind me. "How much longer?" he asked while running his fingers through the hair I had already straightened and thrown over my shoulder. 

"Two minutes." He looked at me blankly. "Two minutes, I promise," I chuckled, throwing all my hair over my shoulders. I ran a brush through it and straightened any uneven spots before unplugging the straightener. I turned to him, grinning widely. "How do I look?" 

"Beautiful," he said through gritted teeth while grabbing either side of my head, shaking me lightly. 

I laughed, pulling his hands down. "You look so pretty," I smiled, putting my arms around his neck. 

"Oh, thank you," he laughed, nodding in approval. "You have lipgloss on that you worked very hard to apply," he smirked, making me laugh. "So I will not kiss you on your lips," he smiled, kissing my cheek numerous times. 

"Aww," I chuckled, brushing his hair out of his eyes. 

"Don't 'aww' me," he smiled, blushing faintly. 

"We should go downstairs, come on," I smiled, turning the lights off while he grabbed my hand, tugging me outside. When we reached downstairs, the main door and the gates outside were being opened for all guests to enter. Mother-in-law pulled away for a few moments to tell me about some of the guests that would be here and brief me upon them, and by the time I got back to Nick, the guests had started arriving. 

I was introduced and I greeted, I'm almost sure, nearly a thousand people. It could not have been any less. 

"And this is Prince Zavier," my mother-in-law introduced us. 

"Pleasure to meet you," I smiled, taking a curtsey before sticking my hand out. 

"Pleasure is all mine," he smiled, taking my hand but instead of shaking it, he kissed it. 

I looked at him weirdly, taking my hand back when he loosened the grip. I gave him a smile out of manners and hoped to get away with my mother-in-law but that was not an option. "I shall just bring Nicholas, you two please chat away," she smiled, walking away. 

I sighed, turning to him. "You look gorgeous, I must say," he complimented. 

"Thank you," I gave him a small smile. I didn't have the urge to compliment him back. 

"May I ask how long you and Prince Nicholas have been married?" 

"We are newlyweds, it has been two weeks," I answered. 

"Oh, not long at all then," he chuckled. 

"Long enough. We know each other very well," I nodded. 

"I heard the marriage was arranged." 

"That makes no difference, Prince Zavier," I said, forcing a smile. 

He nodded slowly, his eyes traveling up and down my body, making me squirm. 

"Hello." I turned to my right, seeing Nick make his way over. I smiled, linking my arm with his when he extended it, standing beside me. 

"Prince Zavier," he introduced himself. 

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