Do you love my Son?

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I packed my stuff as I was done for the day and were good to go home. Oh!! not really how can you forget a dinner meeting with your Mother in law. The one who hates you a lot, I must add. I threw a quick goodbye to Janvi over my shoulder where Manik was already waiting for me, I guess he is driving me to his Mom. We entered the lift both lost in our own thoughts.

"You sure, you want to do this?" Manik said his voice seeming a bit lost, I turned facing him and his stiffened posture wasn't hidden from me. It seems like he is more tensed then me about this dinner. "I am fine Manik, stop overthinking this. If I have to be a part of your family then I surely don't want your Mother to hate me. if this little step can help me in improving things then why not.." I reasoned and a faint smile came on his face making me relieve.

His arms encircled my waist and he pulled me closer, it's strange that how used to I am of his touches that I don't feel uneasy anymore in fact it soothes me. "I am glad you are taking the initiative, it's just that I don't want you to get hurt in the process. It's the first time, so don't lose hope Okay? Just bear with her and I hope it will end soon.." He said in a soft voice, his forehead resting on mine. I felt so at peace, like nothing more even matters. It's just a unsaid contract between the both of us stating we are always going to be there for each other.

Suddenly lift came to an halt on some floor and the doors creaked open startling both of us. Dhruv and three other employees were standing in front looking at us weirdly. I immediately came out from the hold of Manik and color rush up to my cheeks. Krishna Ji this is so embarrassing. Dhruv gave me a small smile, while they all joined us in the elevator and Manik stood straight like nothing just happened at all few minutes back.

We drove silently towards the restaurant, none of us speaking a word. The silence wasn't the awkward one, it was just the comfortable. Finally Manik's car came to an halt in front of a lavish restaurant, of course what else did you expect from Kapoor's. Everything has to be grand for them. "Once you are done, give me a call I will pick you up.." My brows furrowed on his demand. Seriously he would come this far to just pick me up.

"No, you didn't have to. I can take a cab back home. Go home and rest Manik, don't worry about me.." I gave him a small smile and he just stared shaking his head at me. "Don't argue Nandani, it's not safe for you to be alone in a cab at this hour. And who says I am going home? I have a meeting with a client on dinner just a few lanes down from here. So ring me once you are done and I will come pick you.."

I bit my lip smiling a little at his thoughtfulness. "What if I got done too early than you?" He just rolled his eyes at that. "Then I will send someone else but you are not going alone. Now hop out My Mother hates waiting.. And remember if for any second you want to end this Dinner don't hesitate to walk out..." My heart swelled up a bit. he is asking me to walk out on his own Mother, if she made me uncomfortable. How more charming can this man get?

I walked towards the table guided by the waiter and sure My Mother in law was there waiting impatiently for me. Shit! I am late.. I gulped down nervously and approached her with a polite smile on my face and she just glared my way. "I am so sorry Ma'am for keeping you waiting. I was just stuck with work.." I said a bit scared, she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Of course you are late, I bet you were trying to get the best excuse on bailing out on me. Well if it makes you feel any better, I am too forced to come here tonight.." Of course she is.. Why else do you think Nandu, she will have the dinner with the most hateful person on earth. "I am not forced to be here Ma'am, I am glad that you are trying to give us one chance and I will try my best to make a full use of it.." I said with a full blown smile and she looked shocked. Well what do you expect me to do? well yeah I don't like her much but I sure want to give our relationship a chance.

She didn't spoke anything else and simply just ordered food, I too copied her order, cause honestly I had no idea what is the specialty of this place and to order something random and getting disappointed wasn't really a pleasing idea. "So Do you love my Son?" The question was sudden and bit unexpected that made me fidget in my seat uncomfortably. Her eyes were set on me, waiting for an answer expectantly. "I don't know Ma'am.." I answered truthfully making her frown.

"What do you mean you don't know? You are marrying him aren't you?" I bit my bottom lip intrigued by her question, she isn't asking anything wrong. But do I have a answer to that? "Ma'am we both know in what circumstances we got engaged. Mr. Kapoor and I were never romantically involved. He didn't cheat on Alya neither did I probe him to do so. I know you won't believe me but that is the truth Ma'am.." Her expressions were bit softened and she was no more glaring at me. In fact she looked a bit guilty.

"Manik never loved Alya, his father and I forced him to marry her. But if he is really happy with you now, then I will try and fix my mistake by accepting your relationship. And if you really want me to accept you and love you just like I use to love Alya, you have a very long way to go.." There wasn't a hint of smile on her face, but there wasn't a hint of anger either. And that moment I knew, I had somehow made a little space in Kapoor's family and gradually and slowly with the right steps, I sure will reach my destination..

We finished the food by having a random conversation, she offered the clothes from her store for my every function but only if she get to choose her. Cause according to her, my taste wasn't as good as her and I smiled lightly at that. Well who would say no to that, I surely wouldn't. She also asked me to accompany her for jewelries and I meekly nodded. I informed her about my Trip with Manik and asked her permission to go with him as it's a business trip and he told my family that he need his assistant there. Mrs. Kapoor looked a bit taken aback at my question but soon she overcomes. "You really didn't have to take my permission for that.. Alya never did that.." The last line was suppose to be a whisper but I heard it. So that explains the shock.

I received a text from Manik saying he is waiting outside for me, wow he sure did finish his meeting a bit quick. We both were also done and she told me she is having a client over for some discussion here itself so I guess it's best for me to take my leave. All in all the dinner was pleasant, not something that I expected. "Thank you Ma'am for having me over and giving me a chance, I will try my best to make some space for myself in your heart.." I gave her a toothy smile, though she didn't smiled back but her posture wasn't cold. She gave a nod in my direction, "You can call me Mrs. Kapoor.." With the last words thrown on my way, she get herself busy in her phone..

My smile somehow turned bigger and I happily came out of the restaurant looking for my dear Fiancé, to share the great news with and I surely did find him leaning on his car busy on a call. Without thinking much I ran to him and threw my arms around him taking him in a hug, startling him for sure. In that moment, I didn't care, how close I was to him.. How shocked he was on my sudden clinginess.. In just few seconds, his one hand came wrapping around my waist, pulling me close. His chin resting on my forehead.. "Yeah sure, No worries.." He continued his conversation with me wrapped in him.

"So, I guess the dinner went more than okay.." I could hear him chuckle once he disconnected the call. I know this is the moment, where I have to get separate from him. But honestly I don't want to. So I took few more minutes, breathing in his scent, that I tell you smells more than great.. "Yes it did.. She is ready to give me a chance Manik and I can't be anymore happy.." I separated from him, telling him the great news and he just stood their smiling happily. I know this relationship was started on a bad note, I know all this was forced. But it didn't have to be like this forever? The only truth right now is that I am his Fiancé and I would do anything to keep my new family together and happy..


Manik and Nandani slowly coming closer, and Neyonika too ready to accept her, she might not love her right now but at least she isn't hating her anymore.. So what do you think how Manik and Nandani's little trip gonna turn? are they gonna come closer or going to get away from each other. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Happy reading ❤❤

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