Thank you Nandani Manik Kapoor

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I can't believe my eyes that what I saw right now. Ananya isn't any girl while she is the wife of biggest business tycoon of India Manik Malhotra but then why I have no idea about it. I knew Manik was married and hia wife was dead. But this information is huge to find out. "Aryaman now you know how I know her and now I expect you to tell me each and everything about the girl you are stating Ananya.." Manik pleaded and I sighed.

I still remember that day very clear in my head, I went to meet Soha that day my sister who was doing her internship in the hospital in Nagpur, she is a doctor now. "Hey there Sissy.." I smiled seeing her coming out of the medical room but the smile that is always on her face was missing and she looked gloomy and tired. "Whatsup long day?" I asked caressing her hair. "You have no idea bro.." And she slumped down on the bench while I followed her too..

"What's wrong Soha?" She pressed her eyes once again when a senior doctor came out of the room taking our attention. "Soha you sure you want to take up this case? I truly think it's a police case and we shouldn't be getting ourselves involve in this." I had no idea what they both are talking about? What case? I looked at Soha for answers who was deep in thought. "Yes Doctor I am sure, you don't worry I will handle everything."

Aryaman - Will you tell me what's going on?

Soha - Oh God Arya why are you getting so hyper just relax okay..

Aryaman - Yeah I will once you tell me what that doctor was talking about?

Soha - I would but first promise you wouldn't freak out and will help me in this.

Aryaman - Like I have any other choice. Fine go on..

And she rolled her eyes at that, I wonder what trouble my little sister has seeked now. "Arya yesterday some people brought a girl to the hospital, they found her in some lake at a nearby village. The girl has been unconscious ever since, so they admitted her here yesterday and I find out she is two weeks pregnant that too with twins." And I felt bad for the lady I hope all three of them survive.

Aryaman - That's sad, so are they all okay? Will they make it?

Soha - Miraculously the kids are doing fine but the lady I am not so sure, she is still unconscious. Her head has been hit somewhere and I am afraid it can make a severe damage.

Aryaman - Ohh!! I hope she survives. But what was that doctor talking about?

Soha - Arya I think that someone deliberately tried to kill her. Maybe her boyfriend or her family cause she is pregnant.

And a gasp escape my mouth.. Holy goodness, how can the world can be this cruel. "But how can you say she wasn't married?" I asked Soha who showed me one ring that was beyond beautiful. "Apart from this ring there were no signs of that girl being married. Maybe her boyfriend didn't want the babies so he tried to kill her or maybe he dumped her and she committed suicide or maybe her family get to know about this pregnancy and they did this to her.. There could be any possibility and the only thing I know right now is that her life is in danger and we can't let her be.."

I always knew my sister is a very kind and soft hearted person but today she really made me proud. "Don't worry Sis I will do everything I can to protect her and her babies and if you don't mind can I see her?" I asked and she took me inside the room where I saw her lying lifeless on the bed. She was beyond beautiful and I immediately felt a protectiveness for her. That moment I knew I was going to do anything in my power to make her live again, to make her smile again..

"That's how we found her and brought her to Delhi and that is the only reason we never tried to look for her family cause Soha and I wanted to protect her and her babies.." I explained everything to Manik who was in hysterics now and I immediately felt bad for him. I can see how crazy he is for his wife it's stupid to think he would ever want to harm her. "Manas and Anvi are my babies? She was pregnant and that's why she was feeling sick those days.." He was mumbling to himself and I just put my hand on his shoulder calming him down..

"Those are my babies, oh my goodness I am a Father.. Nandani and I are parents.. Holy heaven I just can't believe this.." His emotions were all over the place.. I felt a pang in my heart, I have always treated the twins as my own but now their real Father is here and he will take them away.. Okay Aryaman stop it you should be happy for them, you know how much they want to meet their own Father and finally soon they will..

"But why doesn't she recognize me?" And a question that I knew will come soon after. "She lost her memories in that accident, her head was hit hard on something and since she didn't get the treatment on time it created a ruckus.. Ananya didn't even remember her own name. Soha and I give her this name.. She has zero memories.." And he broke down once again..

"We can't tell her everything Manik, her condition will get worse.. Let's just meet Soha and see what she says cause she is handling her case from 7 years she knows better.. I know you want to meet your wife but for her you are just an stranger and let's just keep it that way until we find a solution."


I didn't know what to do right now, Nandani is alive I finally found her but she doesn't remember me. Now I know why I felt a connection with those munchkins the day I saw them, cause they are my own flesh and blood. They are my babies.. Thank you Nandani's Krishna Ji, thank you for saving all three of them that day and thank you for keeping them safe and secure.. "I don't know how to thank you Mr. Khurana, I don't know how to thank your sister.. You people became the angel in disguise for my family. You protected them when I couldn't.. Thank you so much.." I cried harder and Aryaman hugged me.. He is a stranger but he did saved my whole world.

"Hey Man, just calm down.. I did what any other human would have done for someone in that situation.. And don't worry just like you found your wife I know you will find a way to have her back in your life too.." And I smiled at that.. Yeah he is right I surely will.. Today is just the best day of my life and I couldn't be any more happier.. I am a Father, I want to inform this to everyone but no Manik wait you have to meet her doctor first and then will see what exactly to do..

"I want to meet your Sister Mr. Khurana can we meet her now? Also I want to see my kids. Please will you bring them to me? Please.." I almost pleaded while Aryaman smiled nodding his head making me smile widely. "No worries let's first go to hospital to discuss about Ananya.. uhh sorry Nandani right.. Yeah about Nandani's case with Soha.. And then we will go and meet the kids. Sounds good?"

"Perfect.." My whole body was shivering in excitement, I finally have my own kids and I am a Father now and finally today first time I am going to see them as their Father. Thank you Nandani Manik Kapoor thank you for giving me such a beautiful gift. Thank you. I want to shout in happiness, I want the whole world to listen I am a Father.. I am a Father now.


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