I found her

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I reached home in an excitement to meet my family after checking today's arrangement one last time. Well my staff was there supervised by Prerna so I had nothing to worry.. I can't wait to see all of their faces, once they will get to know everything. Oh God, they are gonna be so happy.

"Manik Bhaiii..." The moment I stepped inside the house my crazy sister in law came running in my arms. Damn!! I can't believe one day I will say this but I so missed her. "How have you been Navya, all good?" She nodded her head separating from me and I saw all other happy faces too. I went to my Mom first and hugged her.

"I missed you so much Mom.." She smiled kissing my forehead. "I missed you too Son.." I then hugged each one of them one by one. It's so good to be reunited with your family again. We all settled in the hall, I know they knew there is something that I want to share and that is why I insisted all of them to come here and now they all were looking at me, waiting for me to start.

Dad - So how's everything here? See sending you here instead of Cabir proved to be a good idea right. I am so happy son.

Manik - Yeah Dad, it sure was your best decision, well second best the first one will always be you making Nandani mine. Thank you Dad, I can never thank you enough for both of this.

I know Nandani's topic is little sensitive in the house and they refrain talking about her with each other, it pains them and nobody has dared to mention her in front of me. So today coming her name out of my mouth shocked them.

Cabir - Bhai, you are okay right?

Manik - I told you buddy never have been better.

Abhimanyu - What's going on Manik?

Manik - First you tell me where is Arvika, doesn't she want to meet her mamu.

Mukti - She is upstairs Bhai, sleeping. The journey tired her out.

Manik - Oh good then let her sleep, the event is going to be tiring and a kid needs rest.

Anil - Manik son, you suddenly called us here, is everything okay?

Manik - Yeah everything is great. I called you gyz here, cause I wanted to meet all of you and I also want you all to meet someone.

I said slowly looking at them one by one, confusion was written all over there face except Dad whose face lighted up instantly. "Oh my god, seriously Son, I am so happy, I am so happy you decided to make Prerna part of your life. Oh my god everyone you people are going to love her. She is just like Nan.." And he stopped abruptly. Oh god no, seriously hung up on that story. How can he even hope for that. No matter if I would have found Nandani or not, Prerna would never be in my life never.

"Enough Dad, stop assuming things and please stop comparing her from my Nandani, nobody can be her. nobody can take her place in my life, never.." Dad wanted to say something but I raised my hand to make him go quiet.

Dida - Then who do you want us to meet son?

Madhuri - Yes Manik we all want to know.

I looked at them one by one and took a deep breath okay Manik, it's time. I have to tell them. "I found her.." And there was deadly silence, suddenly the mood of the room shifted. They all were looking at me like I have grown two heads. "Manik son if this is a joke, then not a nice one. I didn't expect this from you.." Dida whimpered and I shake my head in a no. I immediately hold her hand and sat down in front of her..

"I am serious, I wouldn't joke about this will I?" They all were not believing me apart from this boy. Other than me he was the only one, who has believed his sister was there somewhere. "Where is She, tell me Bhai where is she? Take me to her, she is all right? just take me to her.." And he broke down crying like a kid.

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